Deutsche Welle Akademie is implementing with local partners the project “Dialog Formats” in the North, Akkar and Bekaa regions. The project aims to increase participation on various local topics through constructive exchange, both online and in presence, addressing a wider audience through innovative social media tools. 
To achieve this objective, DW Akademie is looking for a social media consultant to support and execute this mission. 

Tasks and deliverables:

  • Design a concept for constructive exchange on social media channels (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook).
  • Incorporate interactive elements allowing the audience to participate easily.
  • Establish dedicated event page for upcoming exchange sessions.
  • create various formats or templates using infographics, texts, audio and images.
  • leverage the platforms’ embedded analytics tools.
  • Promote and distribute content effectively.

How to apply

We look forward to receiving your application - expression of interest (EoI), which should include the following materials:

  • Cover letter.
  • Curriculum vitae (highlighting relevant work experience and qualifications.
  •  If available, an example of similar pieces of work completed recently, or a sample review/ evaluation report relevant to this assignment.

Deadline and submission of expression of interest:

DW Akademie invites interested consultants to submit the documents by April 15, 2024, via the following email: [email protected].

With the subject: Dialog formats – consultancy on SM strategy

Note that we will respond only to complete and shortlisted applications.

Monday, 15. Apr 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract: