Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) Activity - Request for Application (RFA) #020 - Strengthening Lebanese Livelihoods by Supporting Agricultural Production - MOD001 is now available

The USAID-funded Lebanon Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) Activity, implemented by Chemonics International, aims to support Lebanese rural and peri-urban communities to obtain technical and financial ressources in order to facilitate increased porductivity, sales, and exports, improved business income, while also ensuring livelihood sustainability.

The USAID-funded Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) activity, implemented by Chemonics International, is seeking grant applications for implementation of Strengthening Lebanese Livelihoods by Supporting Agricultural Production".

The proposed intervention will work with one or more local partner(s) across Lebanon to distribute vegetable seeds, seedlings and/or compost to at least 5000 small-holder open-field growers and 500 small greenhouse vegetable farmers, 5,500 in total. To compliment the distribution and ensure successful production, the grantee will be tasked with providing trainings to beneficiaries which will include a mix of handouts, online, and on-farm trainings. The grants will be awarded and implemented in accordance with USAID and US Government regulations governing grants under contracts and ARE’s internal grant management policies.

How to apply

Applications should be submitted in electronic copy only to the ARE grant email address: [email protected] and should reference RFA No.020. Deadline for submitting the applications is 05:00 PM Beirut local time, on January 30, 2023. Late or unresponsive applications will not be considered. Only electronic submissions to [email protected] will be accepted. 

ARE will hold a pre-application virtual workshop on Tuesday January 17, 2023 on MS Team from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Interested applicants that meet the eligibility requirements defined in Section III of the RFA and would like to attend this workshop must confirm their attendance by sending the participant’s name and the organization’s name to [email protected] by Friday January 13, 2023 at 5PM. Deadline for submission of clarification questions is Wednesday January 18, 2023, at 5PM.

Update #1: 

RFA020 was modified on January 05, 2023, please refer to Modification #001 of the RFA in the "Related Documents" Section.  All changes are highlighted in yellow for easier reference.


Monday, 30. Jan 2023
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):