Lebanon’s socio-economic crisis exerts a heavy toll on the population. By 2022, some 2.2 million Lebanese, 208,000 Palestinian refugees, and 78,000 migrants (including but not limited to stranded migrant workers) need humanitarian aid in the country. 89% of the 1.5 million Syrian refugees are reported to live in extreme poverty. Due to material scarcity, escalating costs of living and rising humanitarian needs in Lebanon, negative coping mechanisms have been increasingly reported. Poor vulnerable families are reported to resort to sending children to work, including in agriculture, and working on the streets. Other child protection trends include rise of early marriage, worst kinds of child labor, domestic violence, social bullying, fear and distress. Significant increase in the number of murders of women and girls and violence against women and girls have been reported. A marked increase in the numbers of calls received by hotlines asking for support and reporting violent incidents has also been reported. Qudra 2 project, continues to support the vulnerable population in 14 areas of Lebanon, focusing on protection of the most vulnerable. Specifically, these efforts include but are not limited to case management for children and adults in need of protection.
Expertise France and Ministry of Social Affairs of Lebanon are seeking a cost -analysis Expert to lead the study design, data collection and analysis on costing of case management. Case management is critical policy and practice component that plays a vital role in connecting the most vulnerable members of a population with the services that they need to survive and thrive. Case management includes both the assessment and management of an individual’s needs, as well as the various services to which that individual is referred to meet those needs. Because the services provided depend in part on what is available in each setting, this analysis shall focus on the costs for providing case management services provided by social workers/case workers alone. For case management service, where costs are heavily allocated towards personnel, it is especially important to establish a robust cost assessment to inform a staffing plan to ensure that staff resources are matched to needs. Social worker/caseworker-provided support can be complex and the duration of case support also varies, lasting between a single day and more than a year. Each case can involve individuals as well as caregivers, families or social networks. Social worker responsibilities include conducting needsassessments, providing material support and accommodation where possible, and referring the person in need to relevant services, including medical and psychosocial support services or pursuing the judicial path. Case management and complementary activities also include but are not limited to home visit, field visit, engaging multidisciplinary teams, awareness sessions, phone calls or video calls. As the value of material support, accommodation, or referral services can have a significant impact on cost levels, this consultancy is expected to consider only the specific costs of providing case management, not the cost of material in-kind donations or the costs of services that a person is referred to. As the crisis in Lebanon makes it imperative that social services be not just stationary but include outreach to the most vulnerable who are often unable to meet the costs of reaching the Social Development Centers (SDCs), the costs analysis shall include also the costs of mobile outreach and organised transport provided to those in need. Finally, the costs analysis is required to include the co-ordination and technical guidance and oversight costs to ensure the services provision adheres to the laws standard operation procedures applicable.


1. Desk Review and the Cost - Analysis Concept Note. As a first step, the Consultant will be requested to produce a desk review that provides an overview of existing and ongoing costing exercises in the area of social services and case management. This includes but is not limited to the periodic expenditure review focusing on children and women (UNICEF and MoSA), published and gray reports of UNHCR, WFP,UNFPA, UNDP and AICS, Oxfam and others.

Subsequently, in consultation with the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and Expertise France, the consultant will determine the focus and scope of the analysis (cost categories, cost estimate, efficiency, affordability, sustainability); the perspective of the analysis (social or government); the time frame of data analysed; and the level of the analysis (individual, community, facility, system-wide). On this basis, the cost -analysis Expert is expected to develop the Cost-Analysis Concept Note, including:

 Purpose/Research questions

 Methodology overview

 Identification of data sources (primary and secondary)

 Analysis Plan

 Budget for data collection and analysis

 Time line (Gantt Chart) The Cost-Analysis Expert must ensure that the costing study conducted follows internationally peer-reviewed scientific standards, including ethical and technical standards.


2. Review/Adapt Data Collection Instruments. Together with the Ministry of Social Affairs and EF, identify key indicators and other variables that will be measured as part of the costing study. This will include individual, household, community, facility and system indicators. It will also include defining the data sources and methods of collection and preferred measurement methods. This deliverable will include:

 Review primary data collection instruments to ensure all possible required costing data

 Oversee pretest the instrument(s)

 Review questionnaire(s) with key stakeholders to ensure cultural and policy relevance

 Finalize questionnaire based on feedback from pretest and stakeholder discussion feedback

 Identify secondary data sources


3. Data Collection and Entry. The cost-analysis Expert will work in-country/provide remote support on data collection activities. This requires:

 Identifying local team members that may be subcontracted to undertake cost-analysis data collection and analysis.

 Organize and supervise data collection for the cost analysis, ensuring the highest quality, most reliable information possible. Assist in trouble -shooting data collection issues as they arise.

 Supervise development of data entry programs for the economic study, and provide oversight to data entry to minimize errors.


4. Analysis and Dissemination of Results. The cost-analysis Expert is responsible for all initial analysis and write - up of results. The draft report and key findings should be presented to the project team and relevant stakeholders during a validation workshop. Final report, incorporating feedback from the validation meeting should be submitted within 10 working days of the validation workshop.


5. Manage Data Documentation and Storage. The cost-analysis Expert is responsible for ensuring proper, comprehensive documentation of the additional cost -analysis activities and ensuring all necessary data and corresponding documentation is stored with adequate considerations for information confidentiality and safety.


ESTIMATED LEVEL OF EFFORT: The Expert is expected to provide the final deliverables within a maximum of 50 working days
over a period of 3 months (tentatively November-January 2022). The final deliverables are due no later than 10 days after the validation workshop, tentatively by January 31, 2022.



 Advanced degree(s) in relevant field, such as public health or economics

 Minimum 5 years of experience producing costing analysis of publishable standard

 Excellent written English communication skills, with focus on research protocols, research papers and descriptive reports for diverse audience

 Working knowledge of Arabic is a strong asset

 Ability to communicate well with various levels of management, and work independently (Including but not limited to: Good interpersonal skills, Strong communication skills both verbal and non-verbal, Good listening skills, Ability to maintain confidentiality, Effective time management skills, Teamwork skills, Ability to work under pressure)

 Understanding of the Lebanese public administration rules and context is an asset

 Sound knowledge of the theoretical framework of child protection and working with children subject to violence, neglect, exploitation or abuse and their families

 Sound understanding of child protection programming including the main principles and approaches to child protection programming; linkages with other sectors; the basic roles and responsibilities of agencies involved in child protection and safeguarding children

The Expert will be contracted by and shall submit their deliverables to Expertise France (EF). Each deliverable of this consultancy will be reviewed and commented upon by the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), and each deliverable payment is contingent upon the consultant’s incorporating feedback of three main project stakeholders: Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) represented by the Director General, EUD representative, and Expertise France (EF) represented by the project manager/program director. The Expert will be required to provide a brief monthly update (2 pages maximum) to Expertise France and Ministry of Social Affairs, in English and Arabic languages, on the progress of the assignment, possible challenges encountered and possible emerging needs to be met for a timely completion of the study.

Interested applicants should submit their technical and financial proposal as well as any supporting documents to both Ms. Cecile Guy ([email protected]) and Mr. Mohamed Salhab ([email protected]). Along with the technical and financial proposal, the applicant should enclose a portfolio of previous works. Please note that travel, accommodation, telecom and any additional supporting cost of the Expert shall be included in your financial proposal. The costs of a validation workshop will be covered directly by Expertise France and do not need to be included in the consultancy proposal.

Deadline for submitting applications: 16 October 2022, 23:00 (Beirut time)



  • Criteria 1: Quality of proposed methodology and approach equals max. 40 points.
  • Criteria 2: Demonstrable previous experience equals max. 30 points.
  • Criteria 3: Financial proposal equals max. 30 points.


Payments will be provided against deliverables (submitted to and approved by Expertise France) within 30 days of accepting the deliverable.


Tentative payment schedule:


  • Month 1: Desk Review and Cost - Analysis Concept Note equals; 30% of total payment
  • Month 2: Review/Adapt Data Collection Instruments and Data Collection and Entry start; 30% of total payment
  • Months 3 and 4: Data Collection and Entry + Analysis and Draft Report and Key findings validation workshop and Dissemination of Results; remaining 40% of total payment


How to apply

Interested applicants should submit their technical and financial proposal as well as any supporting documents to both Ms. Cecile Guy ([email protected]) and Mr. Mohamed Salhab ([email protected]). Along with the technical and financial proposal, the applicant should enclose a portfolio of previous works. Please note that travel, accommodation, telecom and any additional supporting cost of the Expert shall be included in your financial proposal. The costs of a validation workshop will be covered directly by Expertise France and do not need to be included in the consultancy proposal.

Sunday, 16. Oct 2022
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Business & Economic Policy, Health, Human Rights & Protection
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months