Trainer - Facilitation & Presentation Skills

Scope of the consultancy

We Love is seeking a qualified consultant (or institution) to design and facilitate a presentation skills workshop for a group of volunteers ranging from 18-29 years of age. All participants are students and/or graduates from Tripoli and some other districts in the North. This workshop is intended to enhance the presentation skills of participants using facilitation and visualization techniques. By the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Acquire the essential skills for delivering effective presentations to a variety of audiences.
  • Apply the art of facilitation and visualization techniques, with a focus on community activism.

The workshop will take place in November 2021 (8 hours workshop, 16 hours coaching).



The Junior Leaders project is an informal learning environment that targets the children of the vulnerable communities of Tripoli and El Mina. They can socialize and receive support in different aspects. The project also provides an opportunity for youth to engage and acquire skills through voluntary work. The two main target groups of the project are children and youth, who will be capacitated towards enhancing the cultural and behavioral environment from different backgrounds and improving the civic engagement capacity and skills of youth volunteers. They will carry the "WE LOVE" values of social responsibility, solidarity, and peaceful coexistence, and grow up to work with their community and lead positive change in their city.  

The Junior Leaders project is part of the Local Development Programme for Urban Areas in North Lebanon (UDP_NL), implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in partnership with WE LOVE and the Ministry of Social Affairs. UDP_NL is co-funded by the European Union and Germany.


Required competencies

  • Strong understanding of facilitation and visualization techniques, and experience in training on those topics (required)
  • Interactive facilitation approach using peer-to-peer learning techniques and real-life cases (required)
  • Experience in facilitating workshops for young people (preferred)
  • Experience in facilitating workshops in Arabic (required)
  • Very good knowledge of the Tripoli and/or North context (preferred)


Expected deliverables

  • Workshop outline and schedule to be shared with We Love team prior to the workshop
  • Workshop materials and/or curriculum to be shared with We Love as well as the participants
  • Workshop report detailing the main activities, outcomes, challenges, and recommendations
  • Any financial records (such as invoices) based on the project requirements

How to apply

Please submit the below documents via email titled “Facilitation & Presentation Skills” to: [email protected] no later than midnight of October 26th, 2021.

  • Curriculum Vitae(s) - (not more than 3 pages)
  • A technical proposal outlining the facilitation/training methodology, previous experiences in reference to similar services, and financial offer - (not more than 8 pages)
Tuesday, 26. Oct 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth
Remuneration range:
< 1000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
Up to 6 days during November