Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon’s Call for proposals in the food and agriculture sector
The Swiss Embassy is seeking to contribute to interventions targeting vulnerable groups (incl. refugees and/or vulnerable Lebanese), with a focus on food security and agriculture. It seeks to address the immediate needs of the different population groups in Lebanon and to foster long term, sustainable solutions for all, while mitigating social tensions and reducing the overall fragility in the country (“triple nexus”). The Swiss Embassy sees particular potential in the following areas of intervention: Improve availability and access to nutritious food and/or support socially, environmentally and economically sustainable agricultural production in Lebanon.
The Swiss contribution is planned to start in October 2021 for a duration of 1 year max. Applicants can request a contribution of up to USD 200’000 by the Embassy of Switzerland to their overall proposed project budget. Each applicant needs to ensure that additional funding through own or other sources/donors is secured; funding through own or other sources must represent a minimum of 20% of the total project budget. The Swiss contribution can e.g. be used to develop, extend the coverage or innovate within existing projects. Joint proposals among different entities are welcome in the framework of this call.
How to apply
Interested organizations are invited to submit a project proposal based on the template attached to this call, including a project description, a budget, a logframe and a workplan. The main text (without annexes) must not exceed 3 pages (font Arial 11).
All documents must be sent electronically by 23 August 2021 at 12:00 AM to: beirut@eda.admin.ch with the following subject: Call for proposals: food and agriculture
For any queries about this call please contact Ms. Michelle Jalkh, via email: michelle.jalkh@eda.admin.ch
All applicants will be notified by mail of the decision regarding their proposal once the selection process is through.
The selected applicants will be requested to comply with the contractual conditions as per the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) rules and regulations for local organization.