The goal of the project would be aiming to give full agency for youth and adolescents for them to be leading change in their communities instead of being beneficiaries and receiving services. They would be mobilized and equipped with music tools (creating instruments, composing and basic music theory), which would allow them to express their understanding about social and human rights issues. The main outcomes of the project are:

  1. Improved life skills through music for development and music activities for youth coaches and children.
  2. Youth and adolescents address rights and advocacy issues through the use of music and implementing youth-led initiatives.

Right to Play Lebanon seeks a dynamic urban agriculture consultant to a) conduct a field visit in Hay Gharbe, Beirut for inspection.  b) Conduct a training on urban agriculture to youth from the area. c) Provide a list with the needed equipment and material. d) Follow up visits while implementing the initiative.



The consultant will visit the area in order to conduct a thorough inspection. After, the consultant will meet with the youth and train them (1 day) on the how and what in order to plant in their area. Following the training, the consultant will work with the youth over a course of 2 days while implementing this initiative.

How to apply

Kindly refer to the attached TOR

Interested Individuals are requested to submit their:

  • Respective CVs
  • Activities Breakdown (content of training, expected results, etc...)
  • Budget breakdown in USD per month (7.5% Tax deduction in case of no MOF#)


at [email protected] no later than August 16, 2021


It should be clearly stated in the email heading the following: “Urban Agriculture Consultant”. Early submissions are encouraged and appreciated.

Monday, 16. Aug 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
2000 to 3000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 Month