Expertise France is currently implementing the Shabake project under funding from l’Agence Française De Développement (AFD) and Danida through the Minka Middle East Initiative. The main aim of Shabake is to improve the resilience of Lebanese civil society in the crisis prevention and management through capacity development and financial support for the implementation of vulnerability reduction projects. In addition, the Shabake project aims at supporting the repositioning of local NGOs at the centre of humanitarian and recovery actions through networking activities to improve their visibility within the development-aid ecosystem and promote the localization of aid in Lebanon. The Shabake approach, means and resources are currently being leveraged to assist and support local NGOs to take a stand as key stakeholders in crisis mitigation and the response to the Beirut Port Explosions.

This call for proposal invites propositions for interventions following the Beirut Port Explosions that occurred on the 4th of August 2020. Within the overall framework of the Shabake project, aiming to strengthen the Lebanese civil society, EF seeks to further support local organisations wishing to implement response and recovery projects that can contribute to reducing vulnerabilities of communities in Beirut affected by the blast, specifically in relation to the sector of livelihoods and economic recovery. 

The overall objective of the Shabake programme covered by this call for projects is: Lebanon's capacity to prevent, prepare for, mitigate and respond to crisis is strengthened 

The specific objective(s) of the Shabake programme is: The leadership and decision-making role of Lebanese NGOs in crisis prevention and management is strengthened 


This specific call for projects falls within the following Expected Result: 

Output4 – Local NGO partners have designed and implemented innovative economic recovery and livelihood projects post the Beirut Port Explosions 

further details can be found in the call for proposals guidlines

How to apply

Full applications (i.e. the full application form, the budget, the logical framework and the declaration by the lead applicant) must be submitted through Expertise France procurement platform using the direct link below :

applicants are encourged to download the documents from the procurement platform and register their details in order to receive further info on the call.

the info session will take place on the 17th of december 2020 via zoom, intrested applicants can join the session by sending a request via the procurement portal. 

requests for clarification to be sent via the procurement platform. 

for further info about the call scheduel please refer to the call guidlines "indicative table"

Monday, 18. Jan 2021
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Recovery and reconstruction