Situational Analysis to Inform Tech Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship Intervention

See attached TOR for detailed scope of work and timeline for specific deliverables. 

Terms of Reference (ToR):  Situational Analysis to Inform Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship Intervention for Refugees and Host Community Members in Lebanon Focused on Digital Skills and Tech-Enabled Construction and Manufacturing

Term: February 28 – April 9, 2020 (6 weeks)

Location: Desk research and analysis can be done from anywhere; some field consultations in Beirut and targeted areas of Lebanon

Background: The American University of Beirut and the Mastercard Foundation are exploring the development of a large-scale digital skills livelihoods and entrepreneurship intervention for disadvantaged young adults (ages 18-35; 70% women) from refugee and host communities in Lebanon. This program will aim to improve the economic situations and resilience of participants through pathways to entrepreneurship and employment in learning environments that promote self-confidence and encourage social cohesion, with an ultimate goal to support access to refugees and host community youth to obtain dignified and fulfilling work through the utilization digital skills and/or tech-enabled construction and manufacturing skills.

Objective:  To inform the design of the livelihoods and entrepreneurship interventions described above by:

  • Providing a rapid assessment of the current of the current situation (economic, legal, and social) in Lebanon facing disadvantaged refugee and host community young adults (ages 18-35), and in particular young women, as it relates to their becoming entrepreneurs or securing employment utilizing digital skills or tech-enabled construction and manufacturing skills;
  • Evaluating the Digital Skills Training program led by AUB-CCECS; and
  • Offering recommendations for the proposed livelihoods and entrepreneurship intervention.

Methodology and Scope of Situational Analysis

The consultant will lead the process of conducting and reporting on the situation analysis, working in close cooperation with designated AUB staff from the Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service (AUB-CCECS) and the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (AUB-MCFSP).

The Situation Analysis will include secondary and field consultations:

  1. a desk review that serves to synthesize relevant information related to demographics and known trends (economic/market, legal, and social) in Lebanon that relate to disadvantaged refugee and host community young adults (ages 18-35), and in particular young women, securing employment or becoming entrepreneurs utilizing digital skills or tech-enabled construction and manufacturing skills (for the evaluation of the ongoing Digital Skills Training program, previously collected evaluation data will be shared with the consultant); and
  2. field consultations in Beirut and other targeted areas of Lebanon with key informants and stakeholders (it is expected that consultants will conduct 15-20 total consultations in the form of interviews and focus group discussions). In some cases, AUB staff may participate and/or provide contacts for field consultations.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the direct supervision of the AUB team, the Consultant will be responsible for the following key tasks in order to meet the situational analysis objectives described above:

  • Meet with designated member(s) of the AUB team in person or by phone on a weekly basis to provide updates on progress, receive feedback, and coordinate any joint activities.
  • Develop a workplan for the analysis including methodology, proposed secondary data sources, proposed field consultations and related questions, and approach to analysis.
  • Develop interview and focus group questions for field consultations.
  • Conduct secondary research and produce an appropriately referenced literature review.
  • Conduct relevant field consultations accompanied by AUB staff when requested.
  • Present a draft outline of planned situational analysis report mid-way through project for feedback from AUB and MCF.  Required sections include: Table of Contents, Executive Summary (with option to use as stand-alone summary with main findings, conclusion and recommendations), thematic sections as appropriate based on the data and project requirements, and bibliography.
  • Draft situational analysis report incorporating secondary and field consultations, which includes an evaluation of the current related program led by AUB-CCECS (max. 35 pages). Prepare an accompanying presentation to communicate the findings to key decision-makers for the interventions in AUB and MCF (time limit: 15-minutes).
  • Update the draft of the report and presentation based on feedback from AUB and MCF.
  • Submit the final report and presentation.

Required Qualifications, Previous Experience, and Skills

This work can be conducted by one consultant or a team. The following applies to the lead consultant(s):

  • At least Specialist/Masters’ degree in relevant field or an undergraduate degree and the equivalent work experience;
  • Documented experience in conducting analytical work, situational assessments and analysis and report writing is required (experience with proposal writing and program evaluation is a plus);
  • At least 5 years of relevant experience in the field of refugee response including direct engagement with the digital livelihoods and entrepreneurship sectors; pre-existing networks and familiarly with stakeholders in this space (experience in Lebanon is critical);
  • Working knowledge and deep understanding of the educational, economic, political, and social context of disadvantaged refugees and host communities;
  • Able to multi-task and deliver outputs on time;
  • Fluency in English, including excellent writing skills; spoken and written Arabic are a plus.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills with a diverse range of people;
  • Reflective and able to incorporate feedback from others;
  • Acute judgement and discretion, with experience in addressing issues of ethics and confidentiality in field work;
  • Proficient in computer programs needed to complete tasks including managing data, report writing, and presentation development.

How to apply



Please send your offer to [email protected], clearly marked as Request for Sealed Quotations – “Situational Analysis for Tech Livelihoods Intervention Consultant”. Please, DO NOT send your offer to any other address as this would qualify for rejection. We would appreciate receiving your competitive offer (in US Dollars) or its equivalent in Lebanese Pounds (LBP), at the prevailing Central Bank’s (BDL) exchange rate at the Date of the invoice - excluding VAT and including the 7.5% withholding tax; by the deadline date/time: Monday, February 24, 2020 at 1:00 pm, along with the following:

  • Copy of your passport/ID
  • The attached forms signed by your end (Declaration & Debarment form)
  • Expression of interest detailing professional experience relevant to the assignment and brief description of the proposed approach to complete the assignment
  • CV(s) of lead consultant and any team members if applicable
  • At least two examples of relevant analytical work authored by the lead consultant, such as reports previously produced. 
  • Financial proposal including breakdown for remuneration, transportation, and any other relevant costs summarized in the attached quotation format.
Monday, 24. Feb 2020
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Labor & Livelihoods, Refugees, Training & Capacity Building