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Can’t Wait to Learn (CWTL) proposes new cost-effective solutions to the urgent challenges facing education for children in emergencies. By utilising innovative technological solutions with a focus on serious gaming, CWTL has the potential to provide out-of-school children with access to education opportunities, especially children from vulnerable communities and have been out of school for a number of years. The programme uses education technology as part of a model of education which is offering certified curriculum level content through applied gaming and personalised children engagement. The programme uses a range of innovative, results focused approaches: combining context specific applied gaming and community-based facilitation; a strong innovation management staged approach to growth with rigorous appropriate research; and focusing on getting the right partnerships in place.



Can’t Wait to Learn is a global innovation in education programme promoting access to quality education in crisis affected areas, including areas where there are no (or not sufficient) teachers and schools. Can’t Wait to Learn was rolled out for the first time in Lebanon in Chatila Camp in in October 2017.

As of December 2019 Can’t Wait to Learn have reached 8644 children in Lebanon. With the support of 18 implementing partners, 18 international and local NGOs as implementing

partners. Ministry of Education and Higher Education– at national and District levels –has been involved at all programme stages, particularly with regards to supporting the formal integration of Can’t Wait to learn as a recognized Basic Literacy and Numeracy

(BLN) approach in Lebanon. The programme will use this opportunity to measure and compare the numeracy and reading outcomes of children enrolled in Can’t Wait to Learn as compared to those in children enrolled in BLN only. Although this will be the first measurement of learning outcomes for the reading game in Lebanon, the programme has already conducted a number of research studies, including: maths research study Sudan (2014); pre-post evaluative study on the Arabic language reading game in Sudan (2018); practice based evaluative study on the Lebanon Maths game (2018), and; quasi-experimental study on the Jordan Maths and Arabic reading game (2018). 




Assignment SUMMARY



Project code




Study Type


Baseline study


Endline study


Project evaluation


November 2019 – June 2020

Audience & use

The evaluation will inform understanding on the effectiveness of the Can’t Wait to Learn programme in Lebanon at the in-country and global technical education and programme management levels. The results will inform potential adaptions to the programme content, technical inputs such as teacher training and support, in-class programme delivery and community engagement activities, and project support structures such as staffing and logistics.

General objective

Assess the change in the performance of the children’s literacy and numeracy competencies and their psychosocial well-being through their participation in the CWTL programme as part of Basic Literacy and Numeracy (BLN) Programme for 4 months.

Asses the experience of children, caregivers and facilitators with CWTL and identify which factors may benefit or hinder implementation and effectiveness of the programme.

Specific Objectives

Quantitative assessment of learning outcomes and well-being through baseline and endline measurements.

Qualitative assessment of the learning experiences, learning progress and well-being through focus group discussions, key informant interviews and observations.

Research questions

  • Do the children demonstrate improved competency in numeracy and literacy after participating in the CWTL programme.

On which sub-competencies do children show improvement?


  • After taking part in the CWTL programme, are children’s psychological wellbeing outcomes significantly improved?


  • What are different participants’ (children, parents, teachers, other stakeholders) opinions of and experiences with the CWTL programme?


  • What are factors that enable or hinder learning outcomes, dropout and successful implementation?


Target group(s)

Refugee children and children from vulnerable communities (boys and girls) enrolled in BLN programming, including Can’t Wait to Learn.  

Type of Study


Mixed Methods


Data sources

Primary: math and reading baseline and endline assessment data, self-reported well-being questionnaire data, key informant interviews and focus group discussions with target groups, or any other tool recommended by the evaluator.

Secondary: existing literature (assessment reports) on education in Lebanon, including humanitarian and non-humanitarian settings, etc.


To be drafted by the evaluator and approved by War Child


To be drafted by the evaluator and approved by War Child

Sampling & Data Collection

To be drafted by the evaluator and approved by War Child

Expected output(s)

Inception report

Drafting and sharing of data collection tools

Baseline data collection + report

Endline data collection + report

Final evaluation report compiling and analysing qualitative and quantitative data no later July 30, 2020


In country restitution workshop no later than July 2020




The timing, location, and target group of the evaluation will be coordinated with our implementing partners.

Data collection and storage will be in line with EU privacy regulations (GDPR), and comply with War Child’s Child Safeguarding Policy, including informed consent of children, parents, teachers and other participants.

Work plan, roles and responsibilities

War Child Holland:

  • Coordination with relevant authorities, particularly the Ministry of Education and Higher Education at national and local levels
  • Identification of all active beneficiaries across the country with their distribution across areas and partners
  • Coordination of availability of beneficiaries/sample
  • Review and approval of inception report and data collection tools
  • Attending an initiation meeting after approval of inception report in order to plan data collection and all relevant details
  • Incountry logistics support for data collection
  • Attending and participating in the validation workshop once the findings and the final report are drafted
  • Review and approval of endline data analysis and final report
  • Attending the dissemination meeting



  • Identification and review of secondary data sources
  • Drafting and finalisation of inception report
  • Drafting and finalisation of data collection tools
  • Attending initiation meeting
  • Selection of target participants and planning data collection with the support of CWTL team
  • Lead data collection, baseline and endline
  • Drafting and finalisation of baseline data collection report
  • Drafting and finalisation of endline data collection report and findings (both quantitative and qualitative)
  • Delivery of final evaluation report compiling interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data analysis no later than July 2020
  • Planning and delivering a validation workshop
  • Delivery of dissemination workshop no later than July 2020


Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
19 May, 2020
Intervention Sector(s):
Application Deadline:
Saturday, 29 February 2020
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
salary will be discussed
Salary Range:
Unpaid Position
Education Degree:
Bachelor Degree
Education Degree Details:
Experience Requirements:
2 to 3 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon