call for Tender for an External Evaluator

To address the identified problems Nashet will increase access to protection for vulnerable people, through (a) reducing social isolation and strengthening networks, and delivering good quality child-centered coaching, (b) increasing awareness about the importance of inter-dialogue, through the participation in roundtable dialogue, (c) Strengthening local capacity for safeguarding Palestinian intangible cultural heritage, and (d) enhancing the capacity building of its administrative staff.
This external end-of-project evaluation will help Nashet assess its capability, document lessons learned, and plan for the new proposal phase guiding the organization in developing projects that continue to focus on the education, development of safe spaces for girls, anti-violence work, and livelihoods.
Evaluations allow Nashet to learn from the experience and findings of independent experts. This improves the quality and effectiveness of the projects and enhances the organization’s work. We call this the learning function of evaluation. Evaluations also make the work of the organization transparent and show

our accountability towards our donors, including our partner Bread for the World. Thus, the purpose of the evaluation is two-fold:
a. To review the planning and implementation of the project supported by BftW.
b. To review the organizational structure and the alignment of projects/ programs with the organizational strategy

How to apply

All applications will be accepted by email sent to [email protected]. Two separate documents are to be shared; one for the technical offer including the methodology and another for the financial offer

Sunday, 15. Dec 2019
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Culture, Development, Sports & Recreation