Call for Concept Notes – Regional Youth Programme "Al-Bawsala" Project Proposals
Please refer to the attached ToR.
How to apply
Save the Children's Middle East, North Africa & Eastern Europe (MENAEE) Regional Office is pleased to announce a call for concept notes (CNs) from youth groups and youth-centred civil society organizations in Lebanon and Jordan to submit project proposals for the Regional Youth Programme, Al-Bawsala for 2024-2025.
Al-Bawsala programme aims to empower and support youth in the region through working with youth-led CSOs and youth groups in Lebanon. The programme empowers youth to be the change agents within their local communities by providing them with opportunities to engage with different stakeholders and duty bearers across the region. Through Al-Bawsala programme, we seek to foster positive youth participation and contribute to the overall well-being and resilience of young people in the region.