Right To Play is seeking an Evaluation consultant for FICCRA Project – on Career Guidance and Vocational Training

Evaluation Objectives This study aims at evaluating the impact, effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability of the project and of each of the mentioned pathways alone. The evaluation aims at answering the following questions:

1. Has the project enabled participating youth to improve their life skills and vocational qualifications

2. Has the project increase the participating youth’s readiness to join the job market

3. Has the project encouraged participating youth to engage in civic engagement initiatives

4. Was the project relevant to the context and needs of the communities it was implemented in 5. Are the effects of the project sustainable for the beneficiaries it targeted

6. What are technical and operational recommendations that can be concluded


Methodology and scope The methodology will be a mix of quantitative and qualitative tools, to use with involved stakeholders in the targeted locations (adolescent beneficiaries, coaches, employers, and community leaders). Data is to be collected at the beginning and at the end of the project, as well as at the beginning and end of each of the pathways mentioned above. The sample size is to be representative of the total population size. The anticipated number of working days for the consultancy is 30 to 40 days.


A consultant is needed with the following competencies and experience:

· Evidence of experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative evaluation studies, especially within vulnerable communities;

· Proven knowledge and experience in applying participatory research methods and tools;

· Degree in relevant field (e.g. Public Health, Social Sciences or any related technical field);

· Strong facilitation skills, particularly with regards to working with vulnerable groups;

· Demonstrated understanding and support of principles of equity, participation and inclusion;

· Good writing skills;

· Fluent spoken and written English and Arabic

How to apply

Kindly refer to the attached TOR


Interested individuals are requested to submit the following documents:

 Technical proposal of the suggested plan of the study;

 Financial proposal (dated and signed) that includes a budget for the expected activities and the per diem for each person involved in USD;

 MOF registration number if available;

 CV of key persons involved and the portfolio of the organization if relevant.

Proposal deadline: December 10, 2021

Kindly submit the proposal with requested documents by December 10, 2021 to Ms. Ghinwa Monzer, Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Officer, at: [email protected] with “Evaluation Consultant – FICCRA” in the email heading, cc-ing Ms. Rayane Tarabah, People and Culture Officer at: [email protected]

For more clarification regarding the proposal contact Ms. Ghinwa Monzer.

Incomplete proposals will not be considered, and early submissions are encouraged. While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted. Competitive budgets would be considered.

Friday, 10. Dec 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Research & Studies
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
November 2021 To 30 August 2022