20231001- INVITATION FOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL- Equipping Center's with IT materials

Right to Play International is looking for a Supplier to provide It Materials in three different locations in Beirut, North, Saida.
Kindly find enclosed the following documents related to the tender for Equipping Centres with IT materials” for “LDS FFT and LDS RAISE”.

  • Request for Quotation

Right To Play is looking forward to receiving your tender through signed and stamped bids before 16h00 on 09th of October 2023, which should include the Subject of the tender RTP20231001

How to apply

Right To Play is looking forward to receiving your tender through signed and stamped bids before 16h00 on 09th of October 2023, which should include the Subject of the tender RTP20231001
to the following email address:
Your proposal must include the following documentation, kindly use the list below as a ‘Checklist’ before submitting your proposal to Right To Play International.

  • Request for Quotation in excel formal and pdf format signed and stamped.
  • Technical Offer that should include
  1. Product Description/ brand names
  2. Pictures
  3. Company profile
  4. Legal Papers

We kindly request that you submit your tender proposal via email to
before 16:00 on the 09th of October 2023. Please ensure that the subject of your email includes the Tender Proposal reference: RTP20231001.
If any bidder requires clarification on any issue pertaining to the tender, they can send an email to mzaytoun@righttoplay.com, quoting the tender reference number RTP20231001 in the subject line. Any clarifications provided to one tenderer will be communicated to all other tenderers, regardless of whether they requested the information.
The deadline for inquiries is the 06th of October 2023.

Monday, 09. Oct 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth