RDPP III: Call for concept notes for new partnerships. Deadline 1 st of March at 12.00

RDPP III focuses on four specific objectives (described in the program document and its
 SO1: Livelihood Support
 SO 2: Gender Equality and Prevention of Child Labour
 SO 3: Advocacy and Policy Dialogue
 SO 4: Localisation
RDPP III will engage in operational partnerships under SO 1 and 2 in Jordan and Lebanon, while
partnerships under SO 3 may cover engagements with a broader geographical focus related to the Syrian
displacement crisis and as per the prior

How to apply

Applicants need to:
 Download the document detailing the call for concept notes for new partnerships and the application
process with the concept note template here, and submit it together with two mandatory annexes
(Annex 1: Logical framework, Annex 2: Lead applicant background information).
 Study the RDPP III program document, results framework and related annexes
Applications must be submitted to RDPP via email to: [email protected] no later than 1 st of March 2023, at
12:00 noon Beirut time. For questions related to the call, applicants can send an email to [email protected]
no later than 19 th of February 2023. Answers to questions will be published regularly on the RDPP website
under the news section. The final answers will be uploaded on 22 nd of February 2023.

Wednesday, 01. Mar 2023
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):