Invitation To Ngos For Concept Notes - 2017

The European Regional Development and Protection Programme for Syrian refugees and host communities in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (RDPP) is a four-year programme to support host countries to mitigate the negative impact of displacement from Syria. Through investing in innovative partnerships, the programme aims to support refugees, host communities and governments to maximise the opportunities arising from the Syrian displacement. The programme acknowledges that in protracted displacement the humanitarian assistance should be complemented by development-led strategies. The programme is a multi-donor European initiative combining humanitarian and development funds with contributions from the European Commission (DEVCO), the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Further information regarding the RDPP focus areas are available in the one page summary document attached or upon request from RDPP.

Approaching this final year of implementation, the RDPP is inviting NGOs and CSOs to submit concept notes covering an integrated approach of protection, livelihoods and advocacy. Only concept notes covering either protection and advocacy or livelihoods and advocacy will be considered, but those with an integrated approach covering all three components of protection, livelihoods and advocacy will be highly considered. The RDPP seeks to build synergies between protection and livelihoods and is particularly looking to fund innovative projects that pilot new approaches in the protracted displacement situation. Proposals, which have a strategy to strengthen national systems and/or actors, will also be positively evaluated.

As Manager for the RDPP, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark will be selecting the concept notes to be invited to develop project proposals using the European Commission (EC) procedures and guidelines for NGO grants based on its contractual commitments with the EC. The guidelines are available upon request from RDPP.

However, the EC has allowed for the application of flexible procedures after its approval of the “declaration of crisis” situation in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. It is in the context of this declaration that this call to submit concept notes is presented.

2. General eligibility requirements for organizations:

. 2.1. The organization must not belong to the state, nor seek governing power, nor generate profits. 

. 2.2. The organization must be registered as a not-for-profit organization and/or a non-governmental organization. 

. 2.3. The organization may not participate in calls for proposals if it is in any of the situations listed in Section 2.3.3. of the Practical Guide 

. 2.4. The organization may not be concurrently in receipt of more 
than one contract with RDPP covering the same thematic area (Protection, Livelihoods, Advocacy) regardless of whether they are lead applicant, co-applicant or affiliated entity. (Article 6.3.7. Non Cumulation, PRAG 2016) 

. 2.5. Each organization may not submit more than one concept note for this call irrespective of whether they apply as lead applicant, co-applicant or affiliated entity. 

3. Budget: RDPP anticipates programming an estimated total of DKK 30,000,000 (EUR 4,026,737) split equally between protection and advocacy, and livelihoods and advocacy

Please note that in general the RDPP can fund only up to a maximum of 90% of the projects total budget. Therefore, each project needs to have at 10% from other sources of funding. For national NGOs, upon justified request, the co-financing requirement may be waived by the selection panel and RDPP may fund 100% of the project.

4. Priorities for RDPP protection, livelihoods and advocacy call for concept notes:

The following are cross cutting priorities that projects to be supported by the RDPP may take into consideration:

. Innovation: The RDPP is a flexible programme that seeks to invest in piloting innovative approaches to address the challenges of protracted displacement. The RDPP is looking to fund initiatives that propose an innovative approach to the current challenges. Projects that show potential for scale up should they be successful will be highly considered and successful pilot projects may potentially be scaled up by a future phase of RDPP or other funding instruments. 

. National capacities: The RDPP is very keen in supporting initiatives that prioritize strengthening and enforcing national capacities, both with national civil society organizations and also in partnership with the private sector. International NGOs are strongly encouraged to propose concept notes in partnership with local organizations or national entities. Concept notes from national organizations will be highly considered. 

. Coordination and alignment: Projects will need to be aligned with national priorities and government frameworks. Coordination with government and local authorities, as well as with other existing partners should be clearly described in the concept note. 

Sunday, 04. Jun 2017
Type of Call
Intervention Sector(s):