Qudurat launches new programme to support Lebanese NGOs

To ensure that the most vulnerable are not left behind, Qudurat has mobilized funds from local individuals and the widespread Lebanese diaspora disbursing $230,000 to 5 local organizations.  

The selected NGOs will also join our Accelerator Program, through which they will be matched with skilled professional volunteers here and abroad, actively engaging the Lebanese diaspora in providing support to local NGOs in their long-term development.

Founded by a group of like-minded Lebanese professionals, Qudurat believes in the importance of the third sector in reaching the most vulnerable groups, including in the remote areas, and in scaling up small initiatives that are demonstrating social impact. “Everything about our NGO is in its name “Qudurat,” we are all about facilitating other NGOs achieving self-sufficiency”, said Gino Nader, member of Qudurat’s Advisory Board, “giving them a fishing rod rather than buying them fish”. He described Qudurat as the result of the combined efforts of Lebanese professionals here and abroad who have “stepped up to fill the funding gap” and are ready to volunteer their time pro bono to build a more sustainable third sector in Lebanon.

We are glad to announce the start of our partnerships on 5 projects with organizations who have shown relentless solidarity in these trying times, namely:

Step Together- ensuring a more thriving environment for children and young people with disabilities by providing support to the beneficiaries and their families/caregivers.

Ajialouna - adopting a combined approach to supporting impoverished communities in Tripoli by providing livelihood opportunities to vulnerable individuals through an assistant-nursing training to support elderly people in the community.

MySchoolPulse- ensuring continuous education to hospitalized children fighting life-threatening illnesses.

The Learning Center for the Deaf (LCD) -to empower the deaf community and enhance their access to education and higher education.

The Lebanese Union for People with Physical Disabilities (LUPD) seeking to improve societal inclusion of PWDS through vocational training and psychosocial support as well as providing them and their families with relief through a wide array of services and distribution of various kits according to the household needs.

Last modified: 
18/05/2021 - 5:18pm
Publishing Date: 
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Intervention Sector(s): 
Development, Training & Capacity Building

Belinda RATHLE

Executive Director

Tel: (+961) 78 843 994
