Expression of Interest: Conflict and Gender-Sensitive Reporting Training
Expression of Interest
Conflict and Gender-Sensitive Reporting Training
Oxfam, in partnership with Right to Play, SHiFT, and ALEF, is implementing a European Union-funded project titled “Working for Engagement, Acceptance and Mediation: A Community-based Approach to Social Cohesion in Lebanon – WE’AM.” The project is being implemented between March 2023 and February 2026 in Lebanon. WE’AM aims to leverage experiences and complementarities to build consensus and stimulate lasting social cohesion initiatives in Lebanon following three working streams: addressing drivers of tensions at the community level; disseminating gender-responsive conflict prevention and resolution tools and methods; mainstreaming community-level social cohesion into programming.
The partners operate in a total of 12 geographical localities, as per the following:
- Mashta Hammoud/Mashta Hassan – Akkar
- Fnaidek – Akkar
- Tikrit – Akkar
- Beddawi – Tripoli
- Jabal Mohsen/Tebbeneh - Tripoli
- Mina – Tripoli
- Deir el Ahmar – Bekaa
- Baalback – Bekaa
- Saida – South Lebanon
- Barja – Mount Lebanon
- Ein el Remmeneh/Shiyah - Beirut
- Hay el Gharbeh/Ghobeiri - Beirut
WE’AM is launching four thematic campaigns (interfaith, social and traditional media, sports, and music), aiming to increase communities’ access to gender-responsive conflict prevention and resolution tools and methods; in line with the larger project objectives.
The Training described in the current document falls under the Social and Traditional Media campaign and aims to support media professionals have better conflict-sensitive and gender-sensitive news reporting, through a series of practical tools. The campaign includes the development of a conflict-sensitive and gender-sensitive toolkit, training of a cohort of journalists, and mentorship to support the execution of few media products applying the toolkit’s principles.
The Expression of Interest is for journalists and reporters to participate in a 2-day training on the mentioned toolkit. A group of selected candidates will benefit from a small fund to realize their media project.
Oxfam will be selecting a total of 30 journalists to participate in this activity.
Objectives of the Training
- Equip the participants with the skills to apply a conflict and gender-sensitive lens to their media reporting.
- Equip the participants with tools to enhance their reporting skills by addressing biases, stereotypes, and underrepresentation in mainstream media [ex: positive reporting principles, gender analysis, power analysis, fact-checking activities, etc.].
- Sensitize young journalists and news reporters on issues of social cohesion, conflict sensitivity, and solid gender considerations.
- Provide participants with an exposure opportunity to network with like-minded individuals as well as media professionals.
- Provide the participants the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge through producing media material that fosters social cohesion and gender justice.
- Support a group of aspiring media professionals to become ambassadors for the toolkit and disseminate its principles and tools in their professional circles and among their peers.
A total of 30 journalists and reporters will be trained for 2 days on Conflict and Gender-Sensitive reporting. The training will address conflict sensitivity and gender sensitivity in media and news coverage.
Candidates among the training participants will be selected for a mentoring program to design and produce media products aligning with the conflict and gender sensitivity concepts they acquired during the 2-day training.
A total of 6 or more projects will receive the fund. The selected media products will be funded by Oxfam.
Eligibility Criteria
- Staff and freelance journalists, reporters, and photojournalists based in Lebanon and working across print, TV, digital, and radio or Senior Media and Journalism students (students in their last undergraduate year or students pursuing graduate studies).
- Interest in obtaining knowledge of and applying conflict and gender sensitivity reporting principles in their media work.
- Presenting a full Expression of Interest with the complete set of documents as specified in the section below.
Selection Criteria
A panel consisting of the WE’AM partners with the media consultant will select the training participants based on the following:
- Background of the candidates:
- Profile with a background in media: having pursued Media or Journalism studies or being a Senior Media or Journalism student (as mentioned in the Eligibility section) or having worked for at least 2 or 3 years directly in a Media or Journalism function covering news. Candidates with previous experience working on issues of social cohesion, human rights and prominent social issues will be prioritized.
- Relevance of the proposed story idea to the project’s objectives:
- Addressing causes and roots of conflict
- Promoting social cohesion with a gendered perspective
- Combating biases, stereotypes, and discrimination
- Feasibility within available budget and support means of Oxfam*.
- Applications tackling cross-cutting issues (environment, human rights, disability and inclusion, etc.) and shedding light on stories of women, marginalized people, the LGBTQ community, disabled individuals and other disenfranchised segments will be prioritized.
- Diversity:
- Ensuring a balanced representation of participants from diverse gender backgrounds, nationalities, localities, and expertise.
*Participants are expected to present a small budget for their media project. Available budget per project or initiative is 3,000 USD. Participants are expected to build their project keeping this budget in mind. 6 or more projects or initiatives will be funded by Oxfam.
The candidates for the mentorship program and funding will be selected based on:
- Commitment to the training sessions.
- Proven enhancement in their skills and knowledge (based on the post and pre-assessments, trainers’ observations, and development of their story idea throughout the training).
- Submitted updated project proposal including related budget. Participants will have the opportunity to use the skills and notions acquired during the 2-day training to update their initially submitted proposal.
Updated submitted proposals at the end of the 2-day training will be assessed by the committee for the selection of the 6 or more projects to receive the available funds. Candidates will have the opportunity to apply as individuals or team up in small groups (of 2 participants or more) and submit joint project applications. In this case, the funding amount for each project will remain at 3,000 USD.
Below is a table reflecting the timelines of the different activities under the campaign:
January 31, 2025
Online Q&A session (check link below) from 02:00 Pm to 03:30 Pm
February 09, 2025 at midnight
Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest
February 21, 2025
Notifications sent to shortlisted training candidates
Last week of February 2025
Training sessions
March 14, 2025
Notifications sent to shortlisted candidates for the mentorship program and funding
March 17- April 7, 2025
Mentoring and production of media products
How to apply
Interested candidates are required to send their applications in English or Arabic to mentioning in the Email subject “Conflict and Gender-Sensitive Reporting Training – Expression of Interest” by February 09, 2025 at midnight.
List of documents to submit are:
- Updated CV.
- Cover letter that includes:
- Explanation of why you are interested in this training and how it serves your future aspirations and career advancement.
- A brief description of a story that you want to produce along with its suggested budget if you receive the funding This could be the production of news reports for prime-time news on national TV channels, or vlogs/snippets for social media that address social cohesion and are gender and conflict sensitive.
- The type of media product you aim to produce; for example: news report for prime-time news, article, written report, vlog, snippet for social media, podcast, etc.
- Samples of published articles, media stories, reports, videos, and photos. This is sent based on the experience and the media sector the candidates are involved and experienced in.
The training will be held in Beirut to ensure accessibility for candidates from all regions. Transportation fees during the training days will be covered.
Oxfam is holding a Q&A session for those interested in applying to answer their questions. The Q&A session will take place on Friday January 31st from 2:00 Pm to 3:30 Pm. This is the link to the online session:
Applicants’ information, data and application documents are confidential to Oxfam in Lebanon. They will be used solely by the selection committee during the evaluation process, and will be kept securely in the project archives for compliance and auditing purposes only.