Consultant for the Setup of Sustainable Networks for Religious Leaders and Actors





Consultant for the Setup of Sustainable Networks for Religious Leaders and Actors


  1. Background

Oxfam, in partnership with Right to Play, SHiFT and ALEF, is implementing a European Union-funded project titled “Working for Engagement, Acceptance and Mediation: A Community-based Approach to Social Cohesion in Lebanon – WE’AM.” The project is being implemented between March 2023 and February 2026 in Lebanon. WE’AM aims to leverage experiences and complementarities to build consensus and stimulate lasting social cohesion initiatives in Lebanon following three working streams: addressing drivers of tensions at the community level; disseminating gender-responsive conflict prevention and resolution tools and methods; mainstreaming community-level social cohesion into programming.

The partners operate in a total of 12 geographical localities, as per the following:

  • Mashta Hammoud/Mashta Hassan – Akkar
  • Fnaidek – Akkar
  • Tikrit – Akkar
  • Beddawi – Tripoli
  • Jabal Mohsen/Tebbeneh - Tripoli
  • Mina – Tripoli
  • Deir el Ahmar – Bekaa
  • Baalback – Bekaa
  • Saida – South Lebanon
  • Barja – Mount Lebanon
  • Ein el Remmeneh/Shiyah - Beirut
  • Hay el Gharbeh/Ghobeiri - Beirut


  1. Objective(s) of the Consultancy

This Terms of Reference document serves to describe the assignment for a consultant with expertise in interfaith dialogue for the Setup of Sustainable Networks for Religious Leaders and Actors in the framework of the WE’AM project. The described consultancy falls under the project’s second outcome of Increasing Communities’ Access to Gender-Responsive Conflict Prevention and Resolution Tools and Methods to Sustain Social Cohesion, and more precisely under its second output of Mainstreaming/Promoting Conflict Prevention processes in Large-Scale Campaigns, Events, and Media.

The consultant is expected to lead the design and implementation of an interfaith campaign, aiming to support the existing Sustainable Network for Religious Leaders in North Lebanon[1], and to form local sustainable networks for Religious Leaders and Actors in the remaining project areas (Beirut – Mount Lebanon – Saida – Baalbek – Akkar).



  1. Description of Main Deliverables

The described assignment constitutes one of the four campaigns that the WE’AM Consortium is implementing – within its overall objective to foster social cohesion and prevent further escalation of tension.


In Lebanon, where sectarian and political divides, often manipulated by local and national political figures, contribute to the escalation of conflicts[2], inter-religious dialogue has been used as a tool to dissolve tensions, as well as to uphold freedom of expression, diffuse hate speech, and move societies towards a more tolerant speech[3].


With their position as community leaders, Religious Leaders influence the behaviors and attitudes of their constituencies[4]. These would include the behaviors and attitudes of communities vis-à-vis their counterparts of different religions and religious denominations.


Leveraging the influence of Religious Leaders and Actors on their communities, the intervention seeks to create local Networks of Religious Leaders and Actors, who will dialogue, build joint communal initiatives, and lead their communities towards a more cohesive society.


Through a series of meetings, the campaign will aim to enhance cooperation and dialogue among Religious Leaders and Actors, favoring experience exchange and joint reflections on countering and preventing hate speech, building capacities for mediation, and stimulating interreligious dialogue to foster tolerant societies through messages in sermons, meetings with community members, collaboration with the media and the civil society and influencing local authorities. The campaign will also be accompanied by the production of media material showcasing the Religious Leaders’ and Actors’ journey with community members in the different project localities.


The following section describes the consecutive steps of the assignment.


  1. Map Religious Leaders and Actors in the Areas of Intervention


To kick off the consultancy, a mapping of Religious Leaders and Actors will be done in the areas of intervention – mentioned in the section above. In each area, an average of 10 to 20 potential Religious Leaders/Actors will be identified and mapped, representing different religions and religious denominations, in addition to key actors in the interfaith sphere including influential communal figures and experts working in the interfaith space. Consortium partners, who have been operating in their respective geographical areas, will contribute to this exercise. The appointed consultant will also use the Conflict Mapping Report[5] that was produced during the WE’AM’s first implementation year to have a thorough understanding of the conflict landscape, including the major enablers and opposers of conflict.


The mapping will also include existing interfaith networks/initiatives - whose expansion or re-activation will be supported as described in the next step.


It is useful to note that Oxfam team, leading on this specific campaign [on behalf of the Consortium], have started networking with key actors and organizations operating in [and specializing in] interfaith dialogue. A select group of actors in the interfaith space will be invited to take part in a workshop to design the Communications Plan that will contribute to defining the visibility aspect of the campaign described in the current document, including its specific messages, target audiences, required resources and desired impact [in line with the project’s overall outcomes].


The appointed consultant will take an active role in this activity as well, supporting the mapping of stakeholders who will take part in the mentioned workshop and providing overall support in drafting of the Communication Plan specific to the interfaith campaign.  


  1. Establish Local Networks for Religious Leaders and Actors


The mapped Religious Leaders and Actors will come together to form Local Networks for interreligious Dialogue. The newly established or re-activated networks will be meeting on a regular basis. A series of meetings will be facilitated by the appointed consultant in each area during the lifespan of the project.


The selected consultant is expected to (1) support the already established network in the North and (2) form up to 5 new networks in the other project areas. Overall, the selected consultant will be working with 4 to 6 networks and engaging 90 to 100 Religious Leaders and Actors in the country.


Religious Leaders and Actors are defined in the context of the project as active community leaders or members holding a position of influence and/or authority within a religious community.  Each network should attempt to have proper and complete representation of all religions and religious denominations existing in its geographical area of intervention. Any limitation to this will be elaborated on and justified by the selected consultant.


The sustainability of the networks should be prioritized in the intervention strategy. The networks need to have [or identify potential ways to secure] the means, motivation and agenda to maintain their activity and engagement with other stakeholders in their communities – beyond the timeline of this specific intervention and the overall WE’AM project. The consultant is required to state a sustainability strategy for the networks as part of their methodology – which will be adapted as the project is being implemented. 



  1. Conduct Local Assessments – 1 per Established/Re-activated Network


The selected consultant will devise a plan for assessing each network, its constituency, limitations and opportunities within its context. Some key areas that the assessment should focus on include leadership capacities, network influence, past engagement in interfaith activities, existing and potential collaboration with key stakeholders and actors in each area of intervention, etc. This step will include discussions with different community members, notably community leaders, public authorities, as well as religious minorities.


The same will be done with the existing religious network in the North, while investigating the history of its formation and current activity, and drawing lessons to shape the intervention with all the proposed networks under the assignment.


This assessment will play an important role in understanding each network in its context and will provide a backdrop for devising a Master Action Plan per Religious Network. The Master Action Plan will use the findings of the assessments and include a detailed plan per interreligious network, guiding the intervention in each area. The Master Action Plan will include [at the least]:


  • Specific objectives devised per network and leading to the bigger social cohesion objectives of the Terms of Reference.
  • Modalities for reaching each specific objectives through defining specific needed topics and interventions. These can include dialogue sessions, capacity building elements, exchange visits and other types of meetings.
  • Stakeholders to be involved during each suggested activity. These can involve the members of the networks as well as other actors in the different areas of intervention.
  • Timelines and needed resources.
  • Indicators for measuring the success of the interventions.


The appointed consultant will design the assessment modality – considering the networks and the geographical localities in question. This can include interviews, a brief literature review and meetings with the identified Religious Leaders and Actors, Consortium partners and other key stakeholders.


Prior to starting this activity, the consultant will provide Oxfam with a brief written proposal on the assessment approach they will use, specifying the segments, communities and stakeholders they will interview, in addition to the scope of objectives of their proposal. This process should be gender balanced and inclusive, taking into consideration the inclusion of disenfranchised populations, refugee populations, and religious minorities.


  1. Facilitate a Series of Interreligious Meetings with the Established/Re-activated Networks


During the project’s timeline, a series of interreligious meetings will take place with the networks described in the previous section. The appointed consultant will use the Master Action Plan of each network to plan and organize the meetings. Master Action Plans will be put in clear sharable documents [with the Consortium partners] that will be regularly updated by the consultant. Minutes of Meetings will also be drafted and shared with Oxfam and the Consortium.


The selected consultant will be responsible for all logistical aspects of the meetings. All financial implications of these meetings should be reflected in the financial proposal submitted to Oxfam.


Using their expertise and the findings of the assessments mentioned in step 3, the appointed consultant will define the specific topics and themes around which the meetings will be organized in the Master Plans.


Focus should be placed on matters related to inter and intra-communal tension, sectarian strife, social grievances, anti-refugee propaganda, Gender Equity and Gender Justice, Gender-based discriminations, inclusive societies, peace and social justice. The appointed consultant will liaise regularly with Oxfam’s Project Team to align their strategies with WE’AM’s overall Theory of Change, project activities and project values, notably those pertaining to inclusivity, feminism, economic justice, good governance and participatory approaches. These meetings should also include key stakeholders, public officials, influential figures, Women Rights Organizations, social cohesion partners, and other actors making up the WE’AM extended network. Finally, and throughout these meetings, Religious Leaders and Actors will consider the significant role they can play in fostering sustainable peace and contributing to the overall development of their communities. This could involve addressing infrastructure deficits, economic challenges, and the lack of basic services.


  1. Oversee the Implementation of Joint Interreligious Initiatives


Throughout the meetings, the selected consultant will define with each network one or two project(s) or initiative(s) – that will be funded by Oxfam. Six initiatives will be defined in total, designed and executed, with the support of the consultant. These constitute quick projects, aiming at brining different religious communities together. Examples include painting of a religious temple, the promotion of a minority religious site through a social cohesion lens, hosting events/ceremonies joining different religious groups, etc. The consultant will guide each network in the participatory process of their design. The modality of funding these initiatives will also be agreed on with Oxfam team.


The appointed consultant will provide support and guidance for the groups in designing, implementing and monitoring the initiatives. This will include consultations with key communal actors, needed coordination and formal approvals, and community mobilization. These initiatives will be factored into the consultant’s intervention and Master Action Plan – working towards reaching the objective of empowering the networks to bring communities from different religious backgrounds together for a common good.


  1. Produce a Comprehensive Report Summarizing the Intervention


The appointed consultant will present Oxfam with a final report summarizing their intervention throughout its different steps. The report will include the used methodology to map the Religious Leaders and Actors and form the local networks, the approach to conducting the assessment, the dialogue sessions and interventions, and the joint initiatives that were implemented. The report will be disseminated by Oxfam and the Consortium to showcase all the work that was done. The report will also list ways forward and calls for action to sustain the networks and ensure their future expansion, sustained function and strategic role in transforming communities into more socially stable ones while reducing sectarian tension and hate speech.


Finally, and to further boost the visibility and impact of the whole assignment, Oxfam will be producing an interfaith documentary that will capture its different steps, focusing on positive stories and calling for sustaining the intervention. The consultant will be expected to support this endeavor as needed.


  1. Responsibilities of Consultant and Timeline

The following is a breakdown of the tasks to be conducted by the consultant, in addition to their estimated timeline.



Timeline (in number of weeks)

Deliverables forming independent lots to which consultants or entities can apply to separately. Applicants may submit proposals for all lots or any combination thereof.

  1. Submit an Inception Report detailing the methodology to be used for leading the campaign in its different steps. Oxfam reserves the right for two rounds of comments at the least.

3 weeks

All entities and consultants applying to a single or multiple lots will be requested to submit an Inception Report detailing the methodology they will be adopting to carry out their work.

  1. Map Religious Leaders and Actors in the Areas of Intervention, as well as the existing networks/initiatives in this space. A mapping database should be clearly produced and shared with Oxfam as part of this deliverable.

3 weeks from start of assignment [in parallel to the first deliverable]


  1. Establish Local Networks for Religious Leaders and Actors in the project’s areas of intervention [4 to 6 networks, reaching 90 to 100 Religious Leaders and Actors].

4 weeks

  1. Provide Oxfam with a concept note on the suggested approach for assessing the networks within their geographical context. Oxfam reserves the right for two rounds of comments at the least.

2 weeks


  1. Conduct Local Assessments – 1 per Established/Re-activated Network. This step will result in Master Action Plans to be used throughout the activation of the networks and the organization of interreligious meetings.

3 weeks

  1. Facilitate a Series of Interreligious Meetings with the Established/Re-activated Networks based on the developed master plans.

6 months


  1. Oversee and support the Implementation of 6 Joint Interreligious Initiatives.

4 months [as part of deliverable 6]

  1. Support in the design and execution of the interfaith documentary to be produced by Oxfam.

6 months [as part of deliverable 6]

  1. Produce a Comprehensive Report Summarizing the Intervention.


To be delivered 2 weeks following the end of all meetings (step 6) + 1 month for Oxfam and Consortium review and comment. Oxfam reserves the right for two rounds of comments at the least.

All entities and consultants applying to a single or multiple lots will be requested to submit a Comprehensive Report summarizing the accomplished work.



  1. Profile and Expertise of Consultant


  • Solid expertise and studies in relation to Religious Studies, Philosophy, History, or related themes/majors.
  • Previous work/consultancy(ies) with NGOs and Development Actors in leading and facilitating interfaith dialogues and interventions in the different areas of the country.
  • Very strong knowledge of the existing Religious Leaders and Actors and networks in the country, in addition to the major actors and organizations operating in the interreligious space.
  • Solid proven understanding of the historical and religious landscape of the country.
  • Good knowledge of the conflict landscape in the country – notably conflicts driven by historical sectarian tensions.
  • Experience in delivering trainings and/or facilitating and/or networking with Religious Leaders and Actors of different backgrounds, covering the entire country.
  • Awareness of and alignment with Oxfam’s values and feminist principles.


  1. Management of the Assignment

Oxfam and its partners will closely work with the appointed consultant and provide them with all needed support to carry on the work. The administration of and oversight to this assignment will be managed by Oxfam.


  1. Expression of Interest (EOI)

Interested candidates can express their interest through submitting the following documents to Oxfam at by no later than Sunday January 26th at midnight.


  • Portfolio, including CV(s) of expert(s) appointed to work on the described assignments in its various stages.
  • Summary of working model: team involved in the service.
  • A Technical Narrative Proposal which includes a detailed methodology for conducting the assignment in its different stages as described in the current Terms of Reference document.
  • At least 2 samples of previously developed works pertaining to interfaith interventions. These can be articles, research papers, dissertations or other relevant solid pieces demonstrating a sound understanding of the issue in question as well as a very good knowledge of key stakeholders [including Religious Leaders and Actors] in the country.
  • A Financial Proposal detailing all costs associated with the assignment.
  • A list of administrative and financial documents showcasing the experience and capacities of the applicant(s) can be reviewed in detail in the published tender dossier. These make up an essential part of the application. Applications failing to submit the complete list of supporting administrative documents will be disregarded.



Individual consultants or entities can apply to the entirety of the assignment and cover all deliverables or apply to a single or multiple lots. Partnerships are possible and encouraged under the described assignment.



Oxfam in Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all bids, including the Bidding processes, or not to award the contract at any time, without thereby incurring and liability to the affected Bidders.


Please note that Q&A session will take place on Friday January 10th from 12 Pm to 1:30 Pm Beirut time to answer any questions you might have.


Meeting Link:


How to apply

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI)

Interested candidates can express their interest through submitting the following documents to Oxfam at by no later than Sunday January 26th at midnight.


  • Portfolio, including CV(s) of expert(s) appointed to work on the described assignments in its various stages.
  • Summary of working model: team involved in the service.
  • A Technical Narrative Proposal which includes a detailed methodology for conducting the assignment in its different stages as described in the current Terms of Reference document.
  • At least 2 samples of previously developed works pertaining to interfaith interventions. These can be articles, research papers, dissertations or other relevant solid pieces demonstrating a sound understanding of the issue in question as well as a very good knowledge of key stakeholders [including Religious Leaders and Actors] in the country.
  • A Financial Proposal detailing all costs associated with the assignment.
  • A list of administrative and financial documents showcasing the experience and capacities of the applicant(s) can be reviewed in detail in the published tender dossier. These make up an essential part of the application. Applications failing to submit the complete list of supporting administrative documents will be disregarded.



Individual consultants or entities can apply to the entirety of the assignment and cover all deliverables or apply to a single or multiple lots. Partnerships are possible and encouraged under the described assignment.



Oxfam in Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all bids, including the Bidding processes, or not to award the contract at any time, without thereby incurring and liability to the affected Bidders.


Please note that Q&A session will take place on Friday January 10th from 12 Pm to 1:30 Pm Beirut time to answer any questions you might have.

Friday, 24. Jan 2025
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Business & Economic Policy, Good governance and transparency