Terms of Reference

-Gender Analysis Consultant-

National Gender Analysis (Beirut, Bekaa, North and South)




The past year has seen a continuation in the unfolding of the effects of the four-year long compounded crises in Lebanon, with an increase in the deterioration of the economic situation for most groups in the country, despite the slowing down of the devaluation of the Lira. This is due primarily to the outbreak of war in South Lebanon and the continued absence of long-term plans and solutions from the Lebanese government to address the ongoing crises.


As of last December, Lebanon’s annual inflation rate slowed to a ten-month low of 192.3%. However, the deceleration in inflation and the relative stability of the Lebanese Pound exchange rate were more than nullified by the economic damages in the south and the pressure that the Lebanese economy has faced as a result of the ongoing conflict, many of which are expected to have a long-term impact on the country’s productive sectors. Moreover, the worrying decrease in foreign aid to Lebanon and the newly passed regressive state budget further burdens and threatens small earners and more vulnerable households.


More than 80% of the Lebanese population are living below the poverty line, nearly double the headcount poverty rate registered in 2019. The third IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis report[NA1] [NE2] , published in August 2023, estimates that 25% of the analyzed population, including Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon (PRL), and Palestinian refugees from Syria (PRS), are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity and were classified in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) or above.


The impact of these crises is falling disproportionately on different population groups, with those who were at a disadvantage before the crisis, particularly women, Syrian refugees, PWDs, and LGBTQIA+ people becoming even more vulnerable today. Research consistently finds that the concentration of women, across both Lebanese and refugee populations, has been consistently high among the more economically vulnerable, food insecure, unemployed, and among GBV survivors.


With the highest refugee population percentage in the world, the 1.8 million Syrian refugees continue to face the worst of the economic and political implosion. Amid the xenophobic politico-military campaign against Syrian refugee presence in Lebanon reaching its peak in 2023, along with the risks of violence and deportation, the poor and vulnerable among Lebanese and refugee communities have been hit the hardest by the worsening economic conditions, currency depreciation, and deterioration of public services including healthcare services, social protection, and infrastructure.


Objective of the consultancy


Oxfam in Lebanon (OiL) is planning a national gender analysis that explores the major needs, relationships, and differences between men and women[SA3] [NE4]  in OiL’s areas of intervention, their access to resources, their activities, and the challenges they face relative to each other. The analysis will look into several areas of focus, including livelihood, employment, security and access to services and rights including SRHR with the aim of determining common issues and threats and drafting recommendations to discuss, develop, and inform[SA5]  mitigation and response plans.


The objective of this consultancy is to collect data from a total of 1500 (data base will be provided by OiL) Lebanese and non-Lebanese men and women in five different areas: Beirut, Bekaa, South Lebanon and Tripoli and Minieh-Donnieh (300 participants in each area) and produce an analysis report highlighting the main findings, biggest issues, needs, and threats and proposing recommendations on approaching and addressing the highlighted issues.[HW6] [NE7] 


The findings of the analysis report will be presented to local partners and WROs to support in their learning of the common issues faced by women in the evolving context in Lebanon. Roundtables with Oxfam's local partners, and mainly WROs, will be conducted to discuss the findings of the analysis report. The main aim is to better inform these WROs on the needs, threats, and specificities of each community they represent and serve. The WROs will then build upon the priorities, threats, and needs discussed to decide on a mitigation and response plan that would alleviate the challenges and risks women face, and create an enabling environment where they can fully participate in and contribute to the development of their communities.


Expected Deliverables


The consultant is expected to:

  • Review and update survey questions provided by OiL[NA8] [NE9] [NE10] 
  • Perform the data collection
  • Provide cleaned database (qualitative, quantitative)
  • Create a presentation of the major findings[NA11] [NE12] [NE13] 
  • Write an analysis report of the findings in each of the areas of focus.

The consultant is expected to respond to two rounds of feedback by Oxfam on the analysis report.


Timeline and expected number of days


The consultant is expected to provide the deliverables within a period spanning May 3rd and June 14th, 2024.


Consultant qualifications:


This consultancy should be led by a person (or persons/company) with:

  • Prior experience in outreach, qualitative and quantitative data collection, and data visualization
  • Prior experience working on gender analysis assignments and on gender-related issues in Lebanon;
  • Excellent communications skills in English and Arabic;
  • A familiarity or direct experience working in the targeted areas is preferred;
  • Flexibility to provide support;
  • Availability to start immediately


Payment and instructions for interested consultants


Payment details will be agreed upon during the contract negotiation phase.


Note that payment will be made based on the budget in the offer (not based on actual expenses incurred by the consultant). No receipts will be requested from the consultant towards the end of the contract.




The process will be directed by Oxfam’s guidelines for the ethical conduct of evaluations and research, guiding the team of consultants through careful consideration of the key ethical implications at every stage of the harvest. These guidelines are available at this link: http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/undertaking-research-with-ethics-253032




Although free to discuss with the authorities on anything relevant to the assignment, under the terms of reference, the consultant is not authorized to make any commitments on behalf of Oxfam. All data collected as part of this consultancy belongs to Oxfam and public dissemination of the data and findings and recommendations can only be done with the written consent of the Oxfam.




Bids from interested consultants will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Technical:

a.   Meeting Required Specifications

b.   Value for money

c.   Reliability of supply

d.   Availability and delivery

e.   Supplier Performance

2. Financial offer




Oxfam invites EOI from individuals, with the experience and skills described above. The EOI must include:

1. A CV for the consultant/company;

2. A maximum 2-page document outlining similar previous consultancies (along with an explanation of the purpose of the consultancy, who the contracting authority was)

3. A short document outlining the proposed methodology and workplan

4. A sample of previous gendered analysis reporting

5. A one-page budget of the offer, covering all major anticipated costs (see section above on what costs should be included in the offer);


Please submit the EOI and other documents by April 28th, 2024 at the latest, to  Lebanonprocurement@oxfam.org.uk with “Gender analysis Consultant” in the subject line.


All questions or clarifications of a technical nature are to be sent to  Lebanonprocurement@oxfam.org.uk



How to apply

Oxfam invites EOI from individuals, with the experience and skills described above. The EOI must include:

1. A CV for the consultant/company;

2. A maximum 2-page document outlining similar previous consultancies (along with an explanation of the purpose of the consultancy, who the contracting authority was)

3. A short document outlining the proposed methodology and workplan

4. A sample of previous gendered analysis reporting

5. A one-page budget of the offer, covering all major anticipated costs (see section above on what costs should be included in the offer);


Please submit the EOI and other documents by April 28th, 2024 at the latest, to  Lebanonprocurement@oxfam.org.uk with “Gender analysis Consultant” in the subject line.


All questions or clarifications of a technical nature are to be sent to  Lebanonprocurement@oxfam.org.uk


Sunday, 28. Apr 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Gender issues, Training & Capacity Building
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
Detailed timeline per deliverable to be agreed upon with the consultant.