Call For PSS Kits
Need for 950 PSS Kits, for Akkar and Tripoli Centers.
For more Details, please refer to the attachement.
How to apply
Bids should be sent to the head office in two sealed envelopes: one for the technical proposal (legal documents of the company, ID of the owners) and one for the financial proposal, both included in one sealed envelope that should bear the reference number of the tender (BAD 50-2024), Before 3:00Pm.
Address: Badaro main street, Mouvement Social Bldg, 3rd floor (Café Badaro bldg.) – Tel: 961.1.390335/38187
Expired Deadline
Tuesday, 28. May 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Education