Intent to Bid - WS747986181 - Gender and social inclusion assessment consultant

Mercy Corps is looking for a consultant to conduct a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Assessment to inform the implementation of the Basatine program, and its Gender Action Plan (GAP) in particular.

Institutionalized and systemic gendered inequalities in Lebanon significantly affect women’s lives, restrict their access and control over resources and limit their freedoms and decision-making power. Women from marginalized groups, including refugees and migrants, and women with disabilities, are disproportionately affected by this reality. These inequalities are further exacerbated in light of the current crises in the country. Even prior to the crises, women’s labor force participation was already alarmingly low. In agriculture, a recent FAO briefing note indicates that only 9% of farms were headed and operated by women in 2021, and women working in agriculture often earn two-thirds to half of wages earned by their male counterparts. In light of this reality, conducting a Gender, Equity, and Social Inclusion (GESI) assessment is essential to provide a deeper understanding of power relations and gender roles within households and the communities targeted through BASATINE, and specifically within farming units targeted by the programme. The GESI assessment is geographically specific and will take place across the program’s targeted areas (Akkar and Bekaa). It will adopt an intersectional approach to ensure the needs, priorities and lived experiences of women in targeted communities are captured and addressed.

The purpose of the GESI assessment is to provide insights into the ways in which gender, age, ability, citizenship, marital/social status, and other identity and vulnerability factors impact power dynamics, social relationships and access and control over resources, particularly with relation to agriculture, and within the targeted value chains.

The assessment will inform activity design and implementation, to ensure that women, and particularly vulnerable and marginalized women, including those with disabilities, are able to equitably access project benefits and meaningfully participate in the intervention. It will also inform any changes to the BASATINE Gender Action Plan (GAP) activities, indicators, and targets.

The GESI assessment will specifically provide an understanding, analysis and action-oriented recommendations on the following: 

  1. An analysis of gender, equity and inclusion trends, patterns and dynamics in the targeted communities and areas, with a specific focus on agriculture and targeted value chains;
  2. Understand the social norms that shape target groups, specifically women’s, PWDs and youth lives, in addition to the restrictions and barriers to participation in the programme and the value chains it is targeting;
  3. Identify agricultural-related opportunities in the value chain and entry points to influence norms and facilitate access and control over resources and paid work, specifically for women, youth and PWDs; 
  4. Gauge women’s, youth and PWDs contribution to the agricultural sector and involvement in paid and unpaid work, specifically on the farm;
  5. Provide a deeper understanding of the gendered division of labor, specifically with regards to unpaid/underpaid care and agriculture work/farm activities as well as paid work;
  6. Understand the power and decision-making dynamics on the farm and at HH, farm, and community levels;
  7. Gain a better understanding of social inclusion considerations within the programme and with regards to agriculture in addition to the different barriers, distinct protection risks (including sexual and gender-based violence) and vulnerabilities that relate to ability, but also gender, age, nationality, and legal and social status, within the agriculture sector;
  8. Provide clear and tangible recommendations to the project team and the wider sector on gender mainstreaming and social inclusion in agriculture and the targeted value chains, and inform any changes to the Gender Action Plan (GAP) and activity design and implementation in BASATINE to address the identified gender and social inclusion issues and concerns, revise targets and design features to ensure tangible benefits to the target groups, especially women, youth and PWDs and others from vulnerable groups. Where possible, recommendations will be provided for gender transformative interventions or activities in relation to agriculture and the targeted value chains.
  9. Provide a clear idea about existing formal and informal financial services to better understand the relation between these services and gender equity and social inclusion in the agriculture sector.

Specific GAP activities, outcomes  and targets that would be informed by the GESI assessment are as follows:

GAP Activity



Cross cutting implementation activities

Impact indicator 3: % of supported female agriculture sector actors with access to, control over, or ownership of a core set of productive resources, assets, and services


Activity 2.1.4: mapping and rehabilitation of unused land 


Indicator 2.3.3: # of women developing new income generating activities in production or processing

200 female market actors (farmers, processors, etc.)

Activity 2.3.3: support income diversification through new income-generating activities at farm level


% of female participants in project activities (2.1.4 & 2.3.3) 




100% of the 200 small-scale farmers or processors are women



Activity 2.4.1: Inclusive business management training

% of improved knowledge in participants trained

60% of knowledge increase


Activity 2.4.2: Decent working conditions, GBV awareness raising and soft skills training

Activity 2.4.3: Conflict sensitivity and do no harm approach


How to apply

Interested applicants who wish to participate in this opportunity are kindly requested to fill in the SIF and ITB and submit them via email to [email protected] on or before 1 August 2023 at 11:00 AM the latest.

Tuesday, 01. Aug 2023
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):