Interpretation and Translation Services


The EU-funded project “Promoting Community Project in Lebanon” is implemented by FIIAPP (Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas - FIIAPP) in partnership with CIVIPOL ( Its overall objective is to foster social cohesion promoting a human rights-rule of law compliant community policing in Lebanon. 

Its specific objectives are:  

SO1: Improved implementation of the Internal SecurityForces’ (ISF) community policing model. 

SO2: Enhanced Municipal Police’ service to localpopulation. 

SO3: Strengthened independent oversight andaccountability of ISF in partnership with civil society.

The Project is seeking to contract a technical assistance for the implementation of interpretation and translation services, based in Beirut, Lebanon.

The service provider for this position needs to demonstrate the following criteria:

Knowledge and Experience
  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience at national or international level in providing translation and interpretation services.
  • Relevant experience working with international organizations and in the cooperation/governmental/diplomatic fields.
  • Excellent drafting skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Capable of working under pressure in a multitasking position
  • Ability top work in a multicultural environment
  • Experience in the use of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, PPT, etc.)

·      Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting

Service description

The technical assistance will provide the necessary services to meet the translation and interpretation needs identified by the FIIAPP team (in Beirut and Madrid) in charge of the implementation of the Promoting Community Policing Project, within the framework of its different activities.

The service provider will work under the supervision of the Team Leader, the Project Coordinator, and the Key Experts responsible for each Project’s Component, in coordination with the FIIAPP team based in Madrid.

The translation and interpretation services are required to be implemented simultaneously and / or consecutively, from/to
English - Lebanese Arabic – Spanish - French. Moreover, translation of written material from/to the languages detailed above, will also be provided. Hence, written deliverables will be required. 

The provision of Interpretation tools (boots (loudspeakers, headsets, etc.) and logicitical support is also required.




In this framework, the contractor will perform the following roles (not limited to):

·       Provide translation and interpretation services (simultaneous and/or consecutive) from/to English – Lebanese Arabic – Spanish -French.


·       Provide translation of written material from/to English – Lebanese Arabic – Spanish - French.


·       Interpreting English – Lebanese Arabic – Spanish - French when requested during missions, meetings, workshops, seminars, trainings and other project events with logistical support (loudspeakers, headsets, booths, etc.) as required.


·       Deliver written materials, reports, etc. in Lebanese Arabic, English, French, Spanish and any other language.


·       Accompany delegations/participants in the framework of visits, activities and/or meetings, also taking care of organizational aspects.

  • Excellent knowledge of English (speaking & writing).
  • Excellent knowledge of Lebanese Arabic (speaking & writing).
  • Knowledge of French language is an asset.
  • Knowledge of Spanish language is an asset.

This is a local position opened to nationals and other residents of Lebanon with valid work and residence permits. The Community Policing Project applies a policy of equal opportunities. Our recruitment policy is based on respect for diversity, maintaining the gender balance, as well as the balance between professional and private life, and support for training and developments opportunities.

The contract is initially for one year with the possibility of renewal subject to availability of fund.

Shortlisted candidates will have to bring the full supporting documentation and references (including contact details of the HR department and the supervisor).

Interested candidates MUST submit a cover letter and a detailed CV, to the following emails addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]

Deadline to apply: 28/02/2023

The call reference must be clearly indicated in the subject line.

How to apply

Interested candidates MUST submit a cover letter and a detailed CV, to the following emails addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].  

Tuesday, 28. Feb 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Peace & Security
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
12 months