Request for Quotation (RFQ2023-013 Hygiene kit )
Federation Handicap International “Humanity & Inclusion”, hereafter called the Contracting Authority hereinafter referred to as “HI”, was founded on July 19, 1982. HI is a non-profit organization governed by the French law on associations of July 01, 1901, is specialized in the field of disability.
HI is an independent and impartial aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict, and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions, and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
HI has been working in Lebanon for a few years with both development and emergency activities in order to answer the needs of vulnerable populations.
HI intends to launch a Request for Quotation of Hygiene kit in Lebanon with the aim of purchasing an estimated quantity of 100 Kits with a maximum delivery date on the 10th of December 2023.
HI invites interested service providers to submit their offer for Hygiene kit as specified in the attached RFQ Template (1 kit content list) with all the needed information inside.
How to apply
Interested Bidders should submit their offer by email to:
The subject of the email should contain the following reference: (RFQ2023-013 Hygiene kit) for your offer to be taken into consideration.
The offer should contain:
Supplier Proposal (Quotation) and availability to deliver before 10th December 2023.
Signed and stamped
Quotation Validity
Payment Terms and Conditions
Company or individual portfolio
Customer Reference and Similar Experience
A copy of the VAT Number and /or a copy of the MOF Registration Number
A copy of the ID of the legal representative
Bidders shall send their proposal before Tuesday,28th of November 2023.
Quotations submitted after the deadline will not be considered.