Data Base Developer_Call for Proposal

         Eligibility Criteria:

Only proposals that meet below criteria’s will be reviewed:

-         Company registration document.

-         Valid certification.

-         Company profile and portfolio showing details of comparable experience.

-         At least 3 years in operation, with a successful record of at least 3 app over the past 3 years.

-         Company must have a dedicated manpower size of at least 2 Technicians for undertaking project.

         Evaluation and Award process:

All proposals will be reviewed by a team of 3 members of the organization. Proposals will be evaluated on:

-         Evidenced experience in developing Apps for Associations;

-         Cost efficiency;

The expert will be expected to sign Association’s code of conduct and abide by all contract terms that will be agreed upon the completion of the RFP process.


Summary of the requirements:

The design and development of this software will enable Ruwad Team to manage:

1. The client’s profile

2. The cases management

3. The documents, photos, audios and videos related to clients and case management

4. The lawsuits – سجل الدعاوى

5. The judicial files

6. The reporting as an integral and main part of the application

7. The staff time and actions management  

8. The Archiving of old data’s by scanning
and adding them with metadata for research.


An Online platform for the Operations and Cases Management Solution – OCMS.

The platform will cover the Cases Profiles, Operations Database, Cases Management,
and the Reporting & Analysis. The App will be implemented and hosted in the
cloud with the ability of working offline, and of regular automatic backup on a
server provided by Ruwad and on-demand backup on external source.

5-             Please review attached doc for Technical Specifications and other requirements





How to apply

Proposal submission:

RFP submissions are extended to  July 13th, 2020 to be submitted by email in PDF format to: [email protected] 

A non-compere and confidentiality agreement templates should be submitted by the proposing company

Quotation should be valid for at least 60 days from the last date of submission.

If the tenderer is successful, this RFP shall constitute the basis of an agreement for the services requested.

Monday, 06. Jul 2020
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Human Rights & Protection, Law & Legal Affairs, Research & Studies, Training & Capacity Building