Expression of Interest Junior short-term expert to translate and develop e-learning lessons of “BT2 Machines Electriques” using Articulate 360 in Arabic language (18.2208.9-001.00 QuA-VET)

General Information

Brief information on the project

The project "Improving the Quality and Attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training in Lebanon" aims to increasingly align vocational education and training in sectors with sustainable employment potentials with the needs of the Lebanese economy.

Emphasis is placed on improving the partnership between vocational training institutions and the private sector, strengthening human resource capacity in vocational training institutions, and developing practice-oriented training programs. The target groups of the project are young people, unemployed and underemployed adults who want to improve their employment prospects through qualifications relevant to the labor market.

The implementing partner is the Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education (DGVTE), which lacks capacity at various levels to involve the private sector in vocational education and training. This concerns curriculum development, teacher training and the expansion of practical elements in teaching. The project's advisory approach includes establishing and advising coordination bodies with representatives of the state vocational training sector and company representatives at the macro and steering levels, piloting cooperation models between vocational training institutions and the private sector, systematic human resources development in public vocational training institutions and testing competency-based, modularized training programs as well as digitalizing e-learning lessons for technical theoretical subjects of the promoted TVET programs.

Background – e-Learning

Considering the stumbling economic situation that is affecting Lebanon at several levels, TVET schools and institutes are not opening on a regular basis and are likely to stay closed several days of the week during the 2023/24 academic year due to teacher strikes and the difficulties of family covering transportation fees of their children to attend school.


Based on the experience in e-learning which the GIZ project’s ProVTE and VTE4all have collected and considering that the teaching and learning at distance will be a constant in the future in the form of blended learning, the QuA-VET project started the development of the technical theoretical subjects of BT1 and BT2 “Industrial Mechanics” (البكالوريا الفنية اختصاص الميكانيك الصناعي) in e-learning (EL) modality in the French language.

This will ensure that students are receiving the necessary support to access the technical theoretical subjects as e-lessons and that their learning is not interrupted due to the instability in the country. Moreover, the lessons in EL modality will be a support for teachers for in presence lessons, whenever more face-to-face teaching will be taking place.


In order to ensure the equal access of all students enrolled in the BT Industrial Mechanics to the e-learning lessons uploaded to the Moodle learning management system, the e-lessons will be developed in Arabic language, to allow students from different institutes to complete their courses.

Outline of the mission

To assure a consistent level of quality of the content and the flow of the EL courses, an Authoring Software (AS) – Articulate Rise 360 - has been selected as a tool for the creation of interactive courses and a Learning Management System (LMS) – Moodle, which is SCORM compatible and can absorb the courses developed by the content developers contracted through QuA-VET project, has been chosen and used during the delivery of the technical theoretical subjects for the “Industrial Mechanics” during the 2022/23 academic year, for the BT “Bâtiment et Travaux Publics” and BT “General Subjects” under ProVTE and VTE4all projects.

There are up to 35 content developers trained in Articulate 360 by QuA-VET for inserting up to 900 e-learning lessons (ELLs) of the technical theoretical subjects BT “Industrial Mechanic” for the school years 2022/23 and 2023/24 into Moodle and numerous teachers, administering and monitoring the use of the courses through their students.

In order to develop and translate the ELLs, a competent expert is required to translate the French technical theoretical subject BT2 “Machines Electriques” into Arabic language, using Articulate 360, according to the criteria set by the project team.


1. The contractor shall provide the following services:

  • Develop up to 55 e-lessons (lessons 06 to 60), of 25 minutes each, of the technical theoretical course BT2 “Machines Electriques” in Arabic language, using Articulate 360: translate and draft the scripts in Arabic language, develop the e-lessons on Rise 360 using the project template, translate and draft the in-lesson knowledge check and end-of-lesson quiz questions.
  • Find different visuals (photos, illustrations, and videos) to illustrate the e-lessons, as relevant and appropriate, ensuring permission for their public use.
  • Ensure the usage of the correct Arabic technical terms and the alignment of the e-lessons with the already developed courses in French language.
  • Edit and adjust the e-lessons according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
  • Apply the right-to-left alignment procedure to the SCORM package and upload the e-lessons to Moodle learning management system upon the approval of project team.
  • Participate in training sessions organized by project team.

How to apply

  • An updated CV in English language. 
  • The applicant shall submit their CV in PDF format by Friday, 15.12.2023 by 23:59 Beirut Local Time at the latest, to the following email address: [email protected] 
  • The subject line of the mail must be clearly marked as follows: “JSTE to translate and develop e-lessons of BT2 Machines Electriques using Articulate 360” 
  • Top 3 shortlisted candidates will be evaluated according to a technical assignment provided by QuA-VET project team.  
  • If you have questions about this call, please contact us at the following email ([email protected]). Deadline for questions is 13.12.2023 before 02:00 pm. 
Friday, 15. Dec 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
02.01.24 - 30.06.2024