Request for Quotation - Supply of Cash for Work Items

Request for Quotation


Supply of Cash for Work Items

Tender number: RFQ-NOL-2023-029





The Danish Refugee Council (DRC), with funding from EU MADAD, invites all suppliers to participate in tendering for the supply of Cash for Work Items.

Tender Issuing date: 17 March 2023

Tender Closure Date & Time for submission of bids: 27 March 2023 at 14:00 pm Beirut time


How to apply

Interested bidders must complete and sign the attached files and submit them before the mentioned deadline to: [email protected]


Attached files to be completed are:


  • RFQ bid form RFQ-NOL-2023-029
  • Code of Conduct
  • General Conditions for procurement of goods


The tender documents will provide all relevant information in detail, including date, time, and delivery location

Please quote RFQ-NOL-2023-029 in all communications.




Monday, 27. Mar 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):