Humanitarian Assistance In Lebanon (Hal)

Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development

Overall Objectives: 
The objectives of the HAL program are to: -Increase access to basic relief commodities and fishing tools to returning IDPs and fishermen along the Lebanese coastline -Improve the access to safe water of Internally Displaced who returned to their homes and villages -Increase income generation opportunities for unemployed individuals -Promote and increase the access to proper health care services and provide access to psychosocial attention
CHF distributed relief commodities (food items, non-food items) and basic fishing tools (nets, hooks and accessories) to fishermen along the Lebanese coastline, as well as reconstructed the fish market in Bebnine El-Aabdeh (North Lebanon). Through the HAL program, CHF also provided targeted villages with relief commodities, generators, pipelines. Moreover, in coordination with the Litany River Authority, CHF repaired and reconstructed the Litany Irrigation Water Scheme (consisting of irrigation canals, bridges, culverts and pumping station of Qasmieh) which were destroyed during the latest conflict in South Lebanon and Western Beqaa. Awareness-raising sessions were also provided on hygiene and health care promotion, and psychological assistance. This was complemented with the distribution of computers, sports equipment, and audiovisual aid equipment to 15 public schools in Lebanon. In addition, CHF created income-generating activities to unemployed people in various regions through cash-for-work opportunities in olive and apple harvesting in Mount and North Lebanon Furthermore, CHF worked with the Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped (LWAH) in equipping the Nabih Berri Rehabilitation Center - NBRC in Sarafand with medical supplies and health care services for disabled persons in the targeted region
Start Date
Sat, 30/09/2006 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Ren̩ Mouawad Foundation (RMF), Litany River Authority (LRA), Globex Engineering International, Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped (LWAH).