Impact Lab بالعربي trains participants from all kinds of backgrounds in a four-day immersive workshop where selected filmmakers and participants pour over case studies and dissect effective strategies for using independent film as a tool for social change.

Filmmakers and participants from the fields of film production and distribution, campaigning, journalism, politics, marketing, and PR are all welcome to apply! The lab will take place from March 23 to 26, 2021. While we hope to be able to host it in-person in Beirut, an immersive and engaging virtual format has already been put in place, in case the health and safety implications of the pandemic impose it. The sessions will be conducted in Arabic with a few translated interventions.

How to apply

To apply, visit the following link:


  • Only Arab directors with a feature documentary film* project are eligible 
  • Film Projects at any stage of production are eligible
  • Historical subjects and Trans-media projects are not eligible 
  • The film project should directly or indirectly, raise important contemporary global and national subjects and enhance our understanding of the world.
  • By submitting to Impact Lab بالعربي, the applicant agrees, if selected, to have a picture of the director, a picture of the producer and the impact producer (when it applies), a film still and a short synopsis published on Beirut DC's website and social media.
  • By submitting to Impact Lab بالعربي, the applicant agrees, if selected, to include the Impact Lab بالعربي logo in the end credits of the film.

*Fiction features will only be considered if they have impact potential and tackle social or environmental subjects.


  • Arab Filmmakers without a feature project 
  • Arab Producers
  • Arab Campaigners 
  • Arab Foundations 
  • Arab Film Funders 
  • Arab Distributors 
  • Arab NGO Representatives
  • Arab Media Representatives
  • Arab philanthropists
  • Arab policymakers 
  • By submitting to Impact Lab بالعربي, the applicant agrees, if selected, to have her/his picture and short biography published on Beirut DC's website and social media
Sunday, 03. Jan 2021
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media, Culture, Social & Cultural Development, Training & Capacity Building