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AMURT (Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team)
AMURT’s mission is to help improve the quality of life for the poor and disadvantaged people of the world, and those affected by calamity and conflict. We encourage and enable individuals and communities to harness their own resources for securing the basic necessities of life and for gaining greater economic, social and spiritual fulfillment, while honoring their customs, language, and religious beliefs.
AMURT Lebanon registered in 2012 as an independent charitable organization and is affiliated with the AMURT Global Network, headquartered in Washington, USA.
Since 2012, AMURT has been addressing the Syrian crisis and its effects, as well as hardships the Lebanese community is experiencing. Our programs have ranged from disaster relief and emergency response, to psychosocial support, diverse education programs, child protection, social stability, and is currently focusing on the livelihoods sector as well.
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