TENDER for dignity kits Request for Proposal – Dignity kits

Please confirm your interest to participate in the tender through email to procurement@alshifaa.lb.org and copy to finance.alshifaa.lb@gmail.com.

Any inquiries regarding the tenders should be addressed to info@alshifaa.lb.org and copied to public.relations@alshifaa-lb.org addresses by the 20th of June 2022. 

Responses to the inquiries will be circulated to all bidders who will have confirmed their interest to participate.

Deadline for submission of offer: Sunday 26th of June 2022, 15:00 (Bierut Local Time).

Offers should be submitted in English or Arabic language; 

Or by in sealed envelopes, to the address mentioned in the tender documents.  (with a sample of the kit)

Address: Saida – Sahel El-Sbagh –Mardeni building –Floor 5.

How to apply

Please confirm your interest to participate in the tender through email to procurement@alshifaa.lb.org and copy to finance.alshifaa.lb@gmail.com.

Sunday, 26. Jun 2022
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Health, Relief Services