Title of the call:  Promotion of the Education and Wellbeing of Refugee and Displaced Children in Lebanon Through Access to the Arts


Strategic Priorities:  Two of our five Strategic Priorities are addressed by this call:

Effecting change in the lives of displaced and refugee children through the means of artistic expression and specialist artistic intervention

Promoting understanding of heritage and cultural activities to help displaced and refugee children preserve the connection with their communities


Summary:  The overall objective of this call is to support small initiatives promoting the development and empowerment of refugee children in Lebanon through the Arts. This call will focus on:

  • Providing a voice to refugee children in Lebanon through the means of artistic expression
  • Identification of innovative schemes to introduce artistic skills which could support refugee children in building their own future
  • Providing refugee and displaced children with access to the Arts within a formal and/or non-formal education setting
  • Review of, or research around, current art programmes being implemented with Syrian refugee children, and the extent of their impact on wellbeing


The proposed project:

  • Must not be an existing project unless it is entering a new phase of development; we will consider incorporating existing costs (if applicable) during the implementation of the new project if there is a demonstrably necessary link between the two


  • Must clearly illustrate the organisation’s ability to effectively implement the project, and that it would provide value for money, constitute added value in the field and contain a clear monitoring process


  • Must not have as an aim the promotion one religion or faith


  • Must not duplicate work already in practice in the field



The following will be favoured:


  • Projects that will be sustainable, or will have sustainable elements, beyond the period of AMF’s involvement OR projects which have a natural, defined end-point


  • Projects in which staff are able to commit to regular contact with AMF in order to communicate progress


  • Projects that have ‘built in’ methods of obtaining service-user feedback (see also: ‘Our Values’ above)


Examples of projects and activities that could be supported under this call:

  • Innovative training courses or workshops for refugee children or those working with refugee and displaced children (photography, drawing, storytelling, acting etc.)
  • Efforts to provide safe artistic spaces for children within formal or non-formal educational settings or wherever this is lacking
  • Supporting initiatives for cultural art preservation in benefit of children, for example, supporting small communities and local crafts, traditional music/stories etc.
  • Creative art productions or learning materials for children

Criteria and eligibility

Organisations can submit one application for any amount up to £20,000 for a defined project of up to three years’ duration.


In order to be considered eligible, organisations must:


  • Be a registered charity in the country in which they are headquartered; individuals who wish to apply can only do so in conjunction with a registered organisation (e.g. an academic researcher might apply with the backing of his or her university)
  • Be able to meet our Reporting Requirements (document available at www.almadadfoundation.org/art-grant-2019)
  • Have a Child Protection Policy in place that conforms to the laws of the country in which they operate and a clear methodology that demonstrates that it is appropriately and consistently applied
  • Preference will be shown for charities with an annual income of between £5,000-£750,000 and at least three years’ continuous accounts

How to apply

Submitting an application


Complete the Concept Note Template on our website: www.almadadfoundation.org/art-grant-2019 and return to [email protected] no later than midnight GMT on Monday, 30th of September 2019



  • Successful concept notes will be progressed to the full application stage c. Tuesday, 29th of October 2019
  • Completed full applications to be submitted no later than midnight GMT on Tuesday, 3rd of December 2019
  • Successful applicants will be contacted c. Monday 17th of February 2020


Successful applications will be selected based on their creativity and ability to add value to the efforts of Al Madad Foundation in providing the best possible foundation from which refugee and displaced children can begin to rebuild their futures.


Kindly note that meeting all eligibility criteria does not automatically determine the success of an application; unfortunately, we expect to receive many more submissions than we are able to fund.

Monday, 30. Sep 2019
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Culture, Education, Refugees