Call for Consultant - External Evaluator



ABAAD– Resource Centre for Gender Equality is a UN ECOSOC accredited organization that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the MENA region. ABAAD advocates for the development and implementation of policies and laws that enhance women’s effective participation, through a rights-based approach that would bring about tangible change to gender justice. With the purpose of ending gender-based violence, ABAAD adopts a holistic care approach to provide protection and support services to GBV survivors/right holders during times of peace, war and disasters since 2011.


About the project


The “Strengthening Gender Capacities of Local Organizations in MENA Region” is a project funded by Terre des Hommes – Germany.

The project aims to provide capacity building to local organizations from Jordan, Iraq, and Yemen. ABAAD utilized its extensive experience and outreach to provide a thorough capacity building program for these organizations strengthening their abilities to integrate gender into their organizational and programmatic schemes.

ABAAD aimed to ensure that the organizations are well informed of the Gender and GBV core concepts before providing its tailored training on Gender Integration. Following the trainings, ABAAD’s Team provided coaching for each of the organizations to ensure that the knowledge is well retained and put in practice. The process of capacity building and coaching was implemented by ABAAD’s Capacity Development Unit


Overall Scope of the consultancy


In line with ABAAD’s accountability principle towards the beneficiaries, partners, and the donor, ABAAD is seeking an external evaluator to conduct a final evaluation of the overall project progress and results against the objectives and indicators of achievement.

The evaluation will assess the impact, and effectiveness of the project; explore the key factors that have contributed to the achieving or not of the intended results; and determine the extent to which the project contributed to empowering the mentioned organizations.

The evaluation exercise is intended to inform ABAAD and TDH - Germany about the project’s impact on the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project within their respective organizations, communities, programme recommendation and lessons learned.


Project Strategic Objective:


Planned outcomes:


Outcome 1: CSO’s are better integrating gender in their programs in one year after receiving a focused training on GBV topics.


Outcome 2: CSOs have a better understanding of GBV core concepts and gender integration.


Language of Bid


The bid and all relative correspondence and documents exchanged between the bidders and the Purchaser shall be written in English language only.


Areas of implementation:


Online communications with CSO’s in Jordan, Yemen and Iraq


Geographic Scope and Methodology


The evaluation should be conducted online with CSO’s in each of the specified countries (Jordan/4 CSO’s, Iraq/1 CSO, Yemen/4 CSO’s). The consultant(s) will need to:


  • Conduct Preliminary evaluation: Utilize existing data and reports to understand the broader flow of the project and implemented activities
  • Online communication with focal points of CSO’s and Data Collection: Plan and execute online meetings to each CSO, employing qualitative and quantitative data collection methods (interviews, surveys, etc.) to gather insights from a diverse range of members, including who participated at the activities as well as implementing staff members from ABAAD.








The consultant will be required to:


  • Develop a comprehensive methodology of evaluation for the targeted CSO’s. (1 in Iraq, 4 in Yemen, and 4 in Jordan, with a total of 9 CSO’s with 4 participants from each)
  • Develop the needed monitoring and evaluation tools.
  • Data collection and online work where the consultant is required to Conduct online fieldwork to collect qualitative and quantitative data as per the agreed-upon methodologies for both evaluations.

(And this might include KIls and IDIs with Project Staff, trainers, and program participants to capture the progress and impact of the project achievements)

  • Analyze collected data, identifying trends, challenges, and areas of improvement.
  • Prepare and submit comprehensive evaluation report of final evaluations, including executive summaries, methodologies, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and annexes of data collection tools and data sets.


Documents Comprising the application


The submitted application must include the following information.  Failure to supply all requested information or comply with the specified formats may disqualify the applicant from consideration.

  • Valid Certificate of Business registration or Trading License
  • Profile of the company or individual
  • Taxpayer documents and Tax Compliance Certificates
  • Cover letter explaining interest in being a contracted consultant.
  • Three (3) References from current or past clients (at least in the last one year)
  • Submit samples of previous work that are relevant to the scope of this assignment.



Skills required


  • Extensive experience in conducting monitoring and evaluation exercises;
  • to have a BA or MA in social sciences, project management or other related fields;
  • Extensive experience in research – both qualitative and quantitative;
  • Experience working in the humanitarian and development sectors – particularly engaging with local communities and national institutions (experience working with youth is desirable);
  • Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the local context in Lebanon;
  • Excellent communication skills in English and Arabic;
  • Applicant must have experience working in culturally sensitive contexts;
  • Proven experience of conducting similar assignments, including in conflict and post-conflict contexts;
  • Excellent report writing and analytical skills, including proven ability to form concise, actionable recommendations.


How to apply

Applicants are invited to send their portfolios, as well as technical and financial offers via email with subject: "Consultancy: TDH – external evaluator" by the 31st of May 2024 to the following emails:


  • The technical proposal should include:
  • Company name, address, registration, registration and financial number/tax ID.
  • For individual consultant, MoF registration
  • A cover letter (maximum one page).
  • A technical proposal that clearly outlines:
    • Understanding of the Assignment: Briefly describe your understanding of what the consultancy entails, emphasizing gender analysis and its importance to the project.
    • Proposed Methodology: Detailed methodology for conducting the gender analysis, including tools, frameworks, and approaches for both national and local levels. Describe how you will address the complexities of gender dynamics in Lebanon and ensure inclusivity of diverse groups.
    • Analytical Framework: How you plan to analyse the data collected, including any theoretical models or frameworks that will guide the analysis.
    • Approach to Regional Analysis: How you plan to adapt your methodology to capture the unique gender dynamics in each specified region, including any logistical considerations for fieldwork.
    • Data Collection and Analysis Methods: Specify the tools and techniques for both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of gender issues.
    • Stakeholder Engagement Strategy: Describe how you will engage with local communities and stakeholders across the different regions to ensure inclusivity and accuracy in data collection.
  • Names of the key consultants involved in each phase of the consultancy (if applicable)
  • A tentative timeline required to complete the assignment, including key milestones.
  • A Minimum of two references of humanitarian I/NGO clients for whom similar assignments have been undertaken along with contact person and budget.
  • Portfolio/ Proven track record in rendering similar services/previous experience.
  • CV/profiles of key involved consultants, demonstrating previous experience in the same requested field.

Selection and Evaluation Process:          


applications determined to be substantially responsive to the abovementioned requirements will be considered for the evaluation process with the below scoring criteria.


To be considered eligible for this consultancy tender, bidders must meet essential 'go or no-go' criteria, primarily based on the submission of required legal documentation. This includes, but is not limited to, valid tax registration and appropriate legal papers demonstrating lawful operation. The tender is open to a diverse range of bidders, including companies, individual consultants, and non-profit organizations. Compliance with these criteria is mandatory for the acceptance of any bid. Failure to provide complete and accurate documentation will result in the disqualification of the bid.


Upon passing the initial 'go' decision based on eligibility, the evaluation of bids will proceed in two distinct parts: technical and financial. The technical evaluation will assess the relevance and adequacy of the proposed approach and the expertise of the bidder, ensuring alignment with the assignment’s objectives and requirements. The financial evaluation will review the cost-effectiveness and overall budget feasibility of the bid. Both sections must be satisfactorily addressed for a bid to be considered for award. Bidders must excel in both technical and financial aspects to advance in the selection process.


  • A- Technical Evaluation:

Applicants must submit the mandatory requirements. These documents and the information therein will be used to conduct the technical evaluation based on the following considerations:

      • Expertise and experience.
      • Methodological robustness.
      • Relevance of the proposal.
      • Quality and relevance of the previous work.
      • Interview performance.



Evaluation Criteria

Score Weight

Technical Proposal matching the ToR


Clear and Strong methodology


Portfolio/ Proven track record in rendering similar services


Qualifications of consultants


Proven experience in Qualitative and Quantitative data collection and analysis


Technical Interview






  • To get maximum scores, Applicants are encouraged to submit all documents and / information listed above.
  • Only applicants who meet the score threshold of 50% will proceed to the evaluation of the financial proposal.



    • B- Financial Proposal:


All Applicants should provide/submit the Financial Proposal/ Quote in a separate file while including the following information:

    • Applicants must quote for the Cost of Materials separately/ show a separate line for each category.
    • Applicants to indicate Lead Times (number of days) needed to deliver to designated focal points full consignment from the date of contract signing.
    • Applicants to clearly state the quote validity period. The prices for the contract are fixed and not subject to revision.
    • To get maximum score Applicants are encouraged to ensure all the above information and instructions are clearly stated and included in the financial proposal.
    • The evaluation/ adjudication of financial offers will be done based on the following criteria for the financial proposal:

Evaluation Criteria

Score Weight

Offered price within the range


Lead Time


Breakdown of the budget and offer validity


Sub Total


NOTE: Total Financial and Technical = 100%


Period of Validity of offers


offers shall remain valid for 90 working days after the date of application opening prescribed by the Purchaser, an application valid for a shorter period may be rejected by the Purchaser as non-responsive.



Any questions related to this consultancy should be sent by email to with the subject line "Consultancy – TDH – external evaluator" by maximum 28 May 2024.


Friday, 31. May 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Gender issues
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 Month