The Arab Institute for Women at The Lebanese American University - Calls

The Arab Institute for Women at The Lebanese American University

سنة التأسيس: 
Sadat Lebanese American University (LAU)
Beirut , Beirut
الهاتف: +961 1 786456 ext. 1103
Beirut LB
نوع المنظمة: 
مؤسسة تعليمية\أكاديمية
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
المناصرة والتوعية
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
بحوث ودراسات
التدريب وبناء القدرات
حالة وقضايا النساء



This project is funded by the Embassy of Finland and is currently being implemented by the Arab Institute for Women (AiW) at the Lebanese American University (LAU). The AiW is currently implementing a project for a duration of twelve months.
Following the elections, the AiW will conduct a gender evaluation of the elections to assess the results of women’s participation in the parliamentary elections which took place on 15 May 2022.

الاثنين, 8 آب 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

The Lebanese American University, Byblos Campus, invites you to participate in the tender for Veterinarian as a consultant on the Animal Facility – Byblos Campus as per the attached job description.

Your bid shall be received by email at [email protected], no later than Tuesday, June 28, 2022, in two separate files as per below details

You will be informed ahead of time when the bid meeting will be conducted in order to contact you and share the password.
For your queries or regret please email us at: [email protected]

الثلاثاء, 28 يونيو 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

في سياق تطوير وتخصيص التدريب في مجالات حقوق الإنسان للنساء، يسعى المعهد العربي للم أ ر ة في الجامعة اللبنانية الأميركية من أجل تنظيم دورة تدريبية في لبنان تتناول قضايا وحقوق النساء على الصعيد السياسي، وتركز على بناء قدارت النساء المهتمات في خوض الانتخابات النيابية أو البلدية في لبنان.

الأحد, 9 يناير 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

The purpose of Grand Challenges Canada is to support work that is called Yes to Emotions in Youth (YEY): An Emotional Intelligence Training for Vulnerable Youth in Lebanon.

الجمعة, 10 ديسمبر 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

This project is funded by UN Women and WHO and is currently being implemented by the AiW in collaboration with the Global Women’s Institute (GWI) and the George Washington University for the purpose of creating and piloting an online capacity-building program to build the technical capacity of participants to conduct VAW prevalence studies in the Arab States. These participants will be researchers and staff of national organizations, including but not limited to national statistics offices, national women’s machineries, researchers, students, civil society.

الخميس, 4 نوفمبر 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

About the AiW
The Arab Institute for Women (previously Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World) at the Lebanese American University, was established in 1973 to focus on advancing women’s empowerment and gender equality through research, education, development programs, and outreach at the national, regional, and international levels.

الخميس, 17 يونيو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The Arab Institute for Women (previously Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World) at the Lebanese American University is implementing this project which is funded by the U.S. Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) for the purpose of strengthening the relationship between existing civil society organizations and elected officials to increase government accountability and impact reform on gender related issues specifically parental leave policies.

الخميس, 29 أبريل 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The Arab Institute for Women (previously Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World) at the Lebanese American University is implementing this project which is funded by the U.S. Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) for the purpose of strengthening the relationship between existing civil society organizations and elected officials to increase government accountability and impact reform on gender related issues specifically parental leave policies.

الثلاثاء, 27 أبريل 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

This project is implemented by the Arab Institute for Women at the Lebanese American
university and is funded by the U.S. Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) for the purpose of strengthening the relationship between existing civil society organizations and elected officials to increase government accountability and impact reform on gender related issues specifically parental leave policies.

الخميس, 20 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The Lebanese American University has just started accepting applications for Media & Digital Literacy Academy of Beirut MDLAB 2021 that will take place from June 14 until June 27, 2021.

الاثنين, 15 فبراير 2021
منتهية الصلاحية