Request for Quotation LEB-2024-031 Blankets & Hygiene Kits

We request interested bidders to inform NCA about their intention to participate in this tender in writing on the following email address: 

How to apply

The Bidder shall complete and submit the following documents: 

  1. The attached Quotation Submission Form including Technical Data Form, to be signed and stamped by the Bidder.
  2. Annex #2 Financial Offer, to be signed and stamped by the Bidder
  3. Annex #3 SUP 12 General terms and conditions for supply contracts, to be signed and stamped by the Bidder
  4. Annex #4 Code of Conduct for Contractors, to be signed and stamped by the Bidder. 
  5. Annex #5 Vendor Bank Verification Form signed and stamped by the vendor.
  6. Copy of a valid commercial registration 2024.
  7. Copy of the ID of the company owner.
  8. Letter of confirmation from the Bank.
  9. Samples for Blankets (Lot #1). 
  10. Samples for the Hygiene Kits (Lot #2).

Interested Bidders can also request the financial offer template in excel by email. 

Any other relevant information that should be made known to the Contracting Authority.
