NAHNOO is a registered Lebanese Non-Governmental & Non-Profit Organization. NAHNOO has been working since 2009 as a research, capacity-building, and advocacy platform for participatory policymaking, toward an inclusive society in Lebanon. The NGO rallies volunteer across Lebanon and through multidisciplinary and participatory research, capacity-building workshops, and grassroots activities, we provide a platform for youth and professionals to lead the planning and implementation of advocacy campaigns and gain the skills needed to impact policy-making at the local and national levels.

Further info: www.nahnoo.org + Facebook NAHNOO


NAHNOO is looking for a Videomaker/Animator to producing two high-quality animation video to create public awareness around the importance of removing sect references from population records in Lebanon. The consultant is requested to coordinate closely with NAHNOO to ensure timely delivery and effective messaging.


The goal of the project is to sensitize the Lebanese citizens about their change-driven role towards a non-confessional and truly democratic system in Lebanon.

The objectives are:

1.       To increase knowledge of secular minorities’ groups in Lebanon about the importance of declaring the nullity of reference to the sect, its legal implications, its relationship to freedom of choice, and the role of administrative practices in promoting sectarian affiliation and its impact on equality between citizens in various regions

2.       To raise awareness of the Lebanese people about the current practice in terms of referring to the sect in the population records and rally the public opinion.

Project activities:

1.Publish a report about confessionalism on NAHNOO platforms

2. Conduct series of awareness actions (up to 9 open interventions such as public discussions) in the governorates of Lebanon (one per governorate).

3.Implement National Social Media awareness Campaign: disseminating 2 short videos and other awareness material (visuals, articles…) to encourage the general public in supporting and acting for a non-confessional system.

Consultancy Scope of Work & Key Tasks:

  1. Responsible for providing the equipment needed to complete the tasks.
  2. Produce two high-quality short animation videos (between 1 & 1.5 minutes each) aimed at informing and increasing public knowledge on:
    • The concept of the civil state
    • The impact of the sectarian structure on it
  3. Edit the videos according to feedback from NAHNOO and deliver the final versions promptly.
  4. Maintain coordination with NAHNOO, including attending meetings as needed.

Deliverables and Period of Assignment:

The period of the consultancy is to start the soonest possible by 20 September 2024 delivering:

1. Workplan for the assignment

2. Production of 2 high-standard short animations (average 1-1.5 min) for awareness raising


- 1 day of work = 8h.

- Confirmed total number of days to be agreed upon based on applicant’s financial offer

- Activities might happen during weekends, possibly on weekdays, based on a set schedule


  1. At least 5 years of documented professional experience  relevant to the described scope of work,
  2. Previous experience working with in non-profit fields with civil society organizations and equivalent,
  3. Fluency in Arabic and English, reading, speaking and writing,
  4. Strong skills in 2D/3D animation and motion graphics,
  5. Access to communication, design and media softwares (as NAHNOO does not provide access to these softwares),
  6. Ability to meet tight deadlines, work as a team, and make rapid modifications,
  7. Ability to visualize complex concepts and communicate them simply and effectively through animation,
  8. Knowledge of the Lebanese context, especially issues related to sectarianism and secularism, is highly desirable.


The consultants will be selected based on competitiveness and quality of the provided proposal (experience & financial). They will be paid upon successful completion (approved) of the  deliverables based on an agreed schedule.

Consultancy fees to be presented as a breakdown showing the pricing for each deliverable.

How to apply


Kindly submit the following documents to [email protected] with reference “CO-PV/VM-03 ” in the subject line:

  1. CVs of staff involved
  2. Portfolio showing past experiences/work
  3. Financial Offer document specifying:

1/ Contact details & financial numbers (MOF & VAT if available)

2/ Expression of Interest for applying

3/ Breakdown of consultancy rates applied for each deliverable.

  1. Commercial circular & financial registration documents

Note: 7.5% will be deducted from the total amount if consultant is not registered.

Application deadline: Monday 15 September 2024

Due to time constraint, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Sunday, 15. Sep 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Citizenship, Communications & Media, Law & Legal Affairs
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months