BTS066/24 Emotional Intelligence training required for BTS employees (External Trainer)

  • Item Name: Emotional Intelligence training required for BTS employees (External Trainer)

- Specifications:

  • Scope:
    • Training Subject : Emotional Intelligence & Non-Violent communication
    • Target audience : LRC BTS (Blood bank) Employees
    •  Content:
      • Basics of Emotional Intelligence
      • Self-Awareness
      • Social Awareness and Relationship Management
      •  Stress and Time Management
      • Conflict Resolution
      • Practical Exercises and activities
    • Delivery Method: Workshop
    • External Resources Required: A proficient presenter with extensive experience leading workshops on emotional intelligence & Non Violent communication
    • Timeline: Quarter 3, 2024
    • Evaluation: Pre and Post-training assessments

- Training:

  • Objectives:
    • Improving interpersonal communication skills
    • Enhancing self-regulation
    • Developing effective communication techniques and conflict regulation skills
    • Improving customer services
    • Identifying and managing emotions at workplace

- Documents to be delivered:

Trainer’s Certificate


- Accessories required:

Will be provided at LRC Training Center


How to apply

Kindly submit your proposal with all the requirement by 26 July 2024 before 4pm by email  with the following subject line: RFQ#: BTS066/24 – Emotional intelligence Trainer.

Friday, 26. Jul 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Training & Capacity Building