Consultant to drive the implementation of Recruitment retention and promotion policies in 3 pre-selected companies and to draft a showcase study about best practices and reports.

About the Program:    

Background and rationale 

Women in the region face structural barriers at the workplace.
These barriers manifest in the weak policies for women's recruitment, retention, and promotion. Women get turned down from positions they aspire for or may not even apply at all to jobs in male dominated professions. Working women also tend to hold on to their jobs but retention is not equated with workplace wellbeing and work-life balance. Women also are barely represented in senior and decision-making positions. These facts were measured by SAWI them in the KIP Index ​using surveys from employers, and were also captured women's voices and perceptions in the Lived Experience Index. 

LLWB has joined forces and is working on accelerating women’s inclusion by empowering employers and decision makers to develop policies addressing structural barriers. 

Through the SAWI Project, which stands for “Support and Accelerate Women's Inclusion", a transnational network of employers was established to develop, improve, and implement inclusive policies and practices for better recruitment, retention, and promotion (RRP) of women. As women's dignified careers and workplace wellbeing is important for economic growth, social development, and women's lives. 

LLWB has worked with 3 companies in a previous phase and drafted inclusive RRP policies and Strategy for implementation for each policy. For the second phase of the project, LLWB is looking to recruit a short-term external consultant to follow up on 2 main deliverables related to the Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion for the project and in 3 pre-selected companies, as well as draft one showcase case study on one company. 

Main tasks and deliverables are: 

  • The consultant will need to follow up on the implementation of policies and procedures that were drafted, in the previous phase of the SAWI project, with the companies, and measure and evaluate their implementation process and work with the employers to implement them. 
  • The consultant will have to support these organizations in developing appropriate KPIs to track the progress following the implementation of the chosen policies. 

This action would be performed through series of meetings as specified under detailed actions and deliverables section  with the three companies to perform the evaluation and draft a short report on employer’s implementation status. The second deliverable is to draft a case study (a showcase study) to highlight best practices regarding the implementation of the policies in one of the three companies.   

The consultant would need to draft an interim report in June 15, a second interim report at the end of August 2024, and a last final report by end of October 2024. 

Detailed actions and Deliverables, the consultant will need to perform: 

1-Watch and attend the SAWI modules workshop that are available online on case writing and RRP and interim reports.  

2- The consultant should read and get familiar with the drafted policies and strategies for implementation that were drafted in the previous phase 

For the implementation of the policies by employers:  

1- Get introduced to the 3 pre-selected companies and organize meetings with them. 

2- Initiate contact with the 3 companies (in writing and oral contact) and launch consultation on implementation phase of the policies that were drafted with the companies in a previous phase of the project.  

3- Submit minutes of meetings and the initial contact performed with company and employers to LLWB. (4 meetings per employer should be submitted with each report, 2 interim reports, and 1 final report.) 

4-  The Consutant should attend all meetings and trainings that will be scheduled and required by the SAWI team pertaining to the RRP Implementation and Case Writing. Example: Consultant to attend the meeting in June 11 at 2 online, related to the case study and organized by SAWI. 

5- Consultant to draft a first report by June 15, 2024.  

6- Consultant to perform one to one meetings with the three companies to ensure implementation. Each meeting will need to have a detailed MOM and the evaluation method for ensuring implementation of the policies. 

7- Consultant to complete the meetings about the employer’s implementation of the policies by end of September 2024. With the completion and submission of Final report on employer implementation of selected RRP policy and completion and submission of module’s toolkit by October 2024. LLWB will give its feedback and consultant to finalise report by mid- November at the latest.  

Regarding the second component the case study:  

Consultant needs to ensure the case sample outline includes ( • Introduction – introducing the company and the challenge • General company background • Specific area of interest • Specific problem • Problem analysis • Solution development • Implementation • Highlight of achievements) 

As stated above, The consultant should watch several recordings and documents pertaining to the case writing. This will include all recordings and materials provided in the previous case writing trainings.  and Consultant should attend a 3-hour workshop session online in august/September organized by AUB/SAWI .  

The consultant will need to submit and draft the case study outline by end of August 2024 with an initial outline.  

(consultant will need to 1/ prepare the first Meeting (with a clear presentation in which the consultant 1- Set the expectations, 2- Explain what a case study is, 3- Describe the case development process, 4- Describe the provisional release 4, Describe the final release for publication, and 5- Begin with the interview) ,  2/Developing the Proposal 3/ Provisional Release 4/Data Collection: Field visits, subsequent meetings, email follow-ups 5/ Writing the Case Draft  6/ provide any Supplementary Material 7/ perform the follow-up Work and Company Review 8/ Send the case for review , 9/include the feedback of LLWB. 

The consultant will need to submit the final case study showcasing success and challenges in the RRP implementation process. (The final case study would need prior approval from LLWB and ensuring inclusion of its observations) by October 2024.

By end of November the consultant to work on the revisions needed on the final case study at the latest. 

The consultant to prepare with LLWB the showcase trailblazer event, (Consultant will have to ensure presentation is approved and if pre/post survey are needed to develop them from a technical perspective and related to project) 

All the above tasks require a lump sum of 22 days all over the period of spanning from June to end of December 2024) December 2024 in dollars.  

Individual Consultants will need to submit a financial quotation all taxes included for the above related lumpsum in dollars with a clear commitment of performing the above related tasks during the time frame.  


How to apply

How to Apply:   

  • Interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents to [email protected]  in separate files, mentioning in the subject of the email “Consultant to measure implementation of Recruitment retention and promotion policies and to draft a showcase study and reports”,      
  • An updated CV with at least 2 references and CV needs to showcase clear experience in the above deliverables (in PDF).  
  • A cover letter outlining relevant experience and qualifications with a clear link to the above deliverables. (in PDF)  
  • A financial proposal including a lumpsum in USD dollars for developing the above-mentioned deliverables (Noting that we expect that the deliverables take a maximum of 22 days spanning from June to end of December 2024 and covering all the costs of the external consultant including communication and transportation and consultant taxes)  
  • Copy of passports or IDs and Lebanese financial registration documents.   Note: Failing to provide these documents will lead to a deduction of the withholding tax (8.5%) as per the Lebanese Law.   

Deadline for applications is Sunday June 2, Noon time (Lebanon time).    


Sunday, 02. Jun 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Conflict Resolution, Democracy & Civic rights, Social & Cultural Development, Training & Capacity Building
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
7 months