Call for “Potential” Partnership - Fostering Inclusive Career Choices, Resilience and Agency (FICCRA II) project

Right to Play Lebanon is seeking partnership with organizations with proven experience in livelihoods, career guidance, and employability in Palestinian camps and gatherings in the areas of North, Beirut/Mt. Lebanon and South of Lebanon to implement FICCRA II project which is still at the concept note stage, pending UNICEF’s review and endorsment.

Organizational Overview
Right To Play is a global organisation that protects, educates and empowers children and youth to rise above adversity using play. By harnessing play, one of the most powerful and fundamental forces in a child’s life, we helped 2.3 million children last year to stay in school and out of work, to prevent life-threatening diseases like HIV and malaria and to stay safe from exploitation and abuse. We are the only global development organization focused exclusively on using play to transform the lives of children and youth impacted by poverty, war, disease and inequality.
Established in 2000, Right To Play is headquartered in Toronto, Canada and has operations in 22 countries across North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
With a shared passion for our mission, our Culture Code guides how we act and interact based on five core pillars:
• Accept Everyone – Be intentional about inclusion
• Make Things Happen – Seek opportunities to lead and innovate
• Display Courage – Act with integrity
• Demonstrate Care – Look after yourself and one another
• Be Playful – Have fun at work
Please visit our website to learn more about who we are and what we do, and watch this video to find out about the five pillars of our Culture Code.

General overview about the FICCRA Project
The Fostering Inclusive Career Choices, Resilience and Agency – FICCRA project is contributing to building adolescents and youth skills and education which are relevant to the new market opportunities (social work, digital projects, and sustainable economies) through a life-skills, career guidance, vocational and employability package for youth.
FICCRA II project, pending approval of UNICEF, will be of 12 months and it builds on FICCRA I with the aim to support 800 adolescents and 800 youth in accessing life-skills, career guidance, and accredited vocational trainings. The project will also support Youth to access employment opportunities. The project will be implemented in Palestinian camps and gatherings in Beirut/Mt. Lebanon, North, and South with the following disaggregation of targets:
▪ 400 adolescents/youth in Beirut
▪ 400 adolescents/youth in Saida
▪ 400 adolescents/youth in Tyre
▪ 400 adolescents/youth in North

FICCRA Actvities – This section describes the activities that the prospective partner will lead on and/or support on implementing with Right to Play.
a) Facilitate RTP partnership assessment process during which mutual and agreed upon partner organizational support plans will be established, followed-up on, and implemented for selected partners;
b) Identification & recruitment of project staff in line with UNICEF & RTP recruitment processes;
▪ Demonstrate commitment to attend capacity building and training initiatives provided by RTP and other consultants under the scope of the project
c) Identificaiton and outreach of 400 adolescents/youth in each of the aforementioned areas;
d) Ensure the referral & enrollment of adoelscents to English Language and Digital Literacy courses on timely basis and according to suitable opportunities;
e) Co-lead with RTP to establish linkages with employers to ensure that youth are receiving on the job, and internship opportunities;
f) Pathway I:
▪ Lead on the Implemenetation of career guidance and life-skills sessions (10 sessions in total) for adolescents in Palestnian camps and gatherings (200 in North, 200 in Beirut, 200 in Tyre, and 200 in Saida).
▪ Lead on the implmenetation of job readiness activities and life-skills sessions that help youth develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workforce, as such: resume writing, mock interviews, financial literacy, career planning, entrprenurship, etc. (10 sessions in total) for youth in Palestnian camps and gatherings (200 in North, 200 in Beirut, 200 in Tyre, and 200 in Saida).
g) Pathway II:
▪ Monitor & report on the Implementation of English and digital literacy courses for 400 adolescents and 400 youth
▪ Monitor and report on the Implementation of short-term and long-term accredited courses for 800 adolescents and 300 youth.
h) Facilitate & implement community hubs and initiatives and also monitor the work of existing youth hubs and new ones;
i) Pathway III:
▪ Support youth 400 with employment opportunities that include internship and self-employment.

Required qualifications, and eligibility of the prospective partner:
• Have a physical center & presence in the Palestnian camp(s)/gathering(s) that are being applied to;
• Partnership is only open for Local non-governmental organizations and civil society partners;
• The project will be implemented in Palestinian camps and gatherings in Beirut/Mt. Lebanon, North, Saida, and Tyre. Only prospective partners who operate or have experience operating the aforementioned area;
• Proven 5 years and more of experience and knowledge working and operating in Palestinian camps;
• Proven 5 years and more of experience in planning and implementing livelihood projects entailing career guidance, vocational trainings, and employability;
• Proven 5 years and more of experience and knowledge in the child protection and participation, inclusion of PwSN, and referral mechanisms;
• Evidence of experience in conducting training/coaching sessions with participants who work with vulnerable communities.

How to apply

Proposal submission
Interested organizations are requested to submit the following documents:
• Portfolio of projects implemented in the past 3 years with focus on livehliood sector;
• Letter of interest/concept note indicating your organization’s added value to the project, areas within which you wish to implement the project, timeline of activities, and expectations from RTP.
• Annex 1 (In the attachement "call for partnership" filled and returned as part of the proposal package);
▪ Budget proposal including clear description and Level of Effort- LoE % of all activities with a minimal direct to indirect costs ratio.
Please note:
• Proposal can address one location or multiple.
• Missing documents will render the proposal packagfe inlegible.
The proposal must be submitted no later than Monday the 20th of March, 2023, to Ma’amoun Salhab at: [email protected].
The following should be clearly stated in the email heading: "FICCRA II - Call for Partnership". Early submissions are encouraged and appreciated. While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
Competitive budgets would be considered.
Should you wish to further inquire about the call, or require clarification, please e-mail Ma’amoun Salhab and/or Maha Azzam at: [email protected] & [email protected] with the header stating “Inquiry – Call for Partnership”.


Monday, 20. Mar 2023
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Labor & Livelihoods, Social & Cultural Development