Coaching & Training organization - Adaptive Leadership

Desired Outcome: This project is aimed at building the leadership capacity of LGBTQIA+ rights defenders in the MENA region by
establishing a tailored program that provides strategic and operational skills for mounting effective campaigns that are relevant
and realistic in the Arab world. The desired outcome is a fully realized curriculum and training program for LGBTQIA+ rights defenders to understand and integrate adaptive leadership principles into their strategies and interventions, complete with metrics to evaluate performance and impact. The workshop should include the following specific deliverables:


• Implement a 2-day workshop on the adaptive leadership framework for the summer of 2023 with the possibility of extending to future years;
• Adapt workshop material and teaching methodology to participants unique challenges and socio-political contexts;
• Participating in a meeting to design the Advocacy Lab content structure for 2023, while providing expert insight and advice into the design and implementation of the seminar
• Provide an evaluation report with recommendations and next steps.
• Provide monitoring and evaluation tools for the efficiency of each training including and pre and post-tests as well as other tools when and if necessary;


How to apply

All individuals interested in being part of this programming and who fit the criteria listed below should apply by sending an email to [email protected] under the subject “Coaching & Training Organization”. Women, trans*, queer, and gender non-conforming individuals, or companies headed by them, are strongly encouraged to apply.

The position requires the submission of a:

1. Financial proposal
2. Technical proposal
3. A description of the methodology and modalities of implementation
4. Portfolio showcasing similar projects.

 Only selected companies will be contacted.

Saturday, 18. Mar 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Gender issues, Human Rights & Protection, Humanitarian & Development Financing, Training & Capacity Building
Remuneration range:
3000 to 4000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
One Year