INIVITATION TO BID LTA-22-ARKLB0037 Long Term Vehicle Rental Agreement


Vehicle Rental Long Term Agreement - Lebanon


To:                                                   Bidder

From:                                               ARK Group DMCC

ITB Reference:                                ITB-LTA-22-ARKLB0037

ITB Issue Date:                                11 August 2022

ITB Closing Date:                             24 August 2022

ITB Closing Time:                             18:00 (Local – Beirut, Lebanon)


  1. Purpose

ARK Group DMCC (hereinafter referred to as “ARK”) is seeking to enter into a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) with a vehicle rental company for the provision of rented vehicles, in and outside Beirut as detailed in the Statement of Work (SOW) at Annex 1.

This ITB may result in award of a single or multiple call-off contracts for one or more qualified service providers.

  1. Description of ARK

ARK is a stabilisation and development company committed to empowering local communities and beneficiaries in conflict, post-conflict, and fragile areas through the provision of evidence-based programmatic interventions, policy recommendations, research and capacity-building. Working with local communities, it seeks to understand and then mitigate the negative effects of conflict and instability, enhancing social cohesion and resilience whist promoting human security, development and economic opportunity.

ARK is registered in the United Arab Emirates, with project offices in Lebanon, Jordan and the UK. The services under this ITB are required for the Beirut branch office.

  1. Instructions for Submitting Proposals


  1. This ITB consists of the following documents:
  • This ITB with submission instructions and evaluation criteria
  • Annex 1: Statement of Work
  • Annex 2: Proposal Declaration Form


  1. Proposals should be submitted via email to [email protected] adhering to the following instructions:
  • Your proposal should be prepared in English.
  • Your submission should comprise of the following documents:
  • Proposal Declaration Form
  • A copy of your company registration document(s)
  • Technical Proposal
  • Price Proposal
  • Technical and price proposals must be submitted in separate emails. The first email shall be

marked "[Your Company Name] - ITB-LTA-22-ARKLB0037 Technical Proposal" and contain the (1) Proposal Declaration Form, (2) A copy of your company registration certificate and (3) your Technical Proposal. The second email shall be marked "[Your Company Name] - ITB-LTA-22-ARKLB0037 Price Proposal" and include your Price Proposal only. The technical proposal must not make reference to cost or pricing information at any point. This will ensure that technical evaluation is made strictly on the basis of technical merit.

Failure to agree and comply with any of the above specifications will result in the bidder being considered unresponsive and the proposal may be rejected.

  1. Proposals must be received by ARK no later than 24 August 2022, 18:00 (Local - Beirut, Lebanon). Any proposal received after this date will be rejected. ARK may, at its discretion, extend the deadline, by notifying all prospective bidders in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the bid documents prepared by ARK at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a bidder.


  1. Requests for clarification should be sent via email to [email protected]. Clarification questions may be sent until 17 August 2022. The ITB number should be quoted in all correspondence. Any written reply to a particular question may be shared with all other bidders who have expressed an interest. If you wish to receive answers to clarification questions sent by other bidders, please send an expression of interest to [email protected] by 16 August 2022. An expression of interest is encouraged but is not a requirement to participate in the ITB.


  1. Discussions may be held to clarify proposals. If any such discussions are held, bidders will be notified that a best and final offer may be submitted by a revised deadline. The best and final offer provides the opportunity for bidders to revise their proposals based on additional information gathered during discussions. If a best and final offer is not submitted, the previous offer will be considered as the best and final offer.


  1. ARK reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted and to request additional information from all bidders.


  1. ARK is not committed to select any of the companies submitting proposals and this ITB is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract. This ITB may also result in LTAs with several companies based on the outcome of the evaluation.


  1. Technical Proposal Format

All bidders must submit the following:

  1. Table of Contents


A table of contents clearly identifying proposal sections and annexes should be included.


  1. Bidder Information

Each proposal must contain a bidder information page that identifies the ITB number and subject and provides at the minimum the following information:

Full Company Name *


Trading name (if different from registered company name)


Registered company address


Website address


* As per company registration document.


Contact name and title









Trading Status

Public limited company   

Limited Company    

Limited liability partnership

Sole Trader  

Third Sector 

Other. Please specify 

Registration date


Registration number


Trade license number


VAT number


Are you a Small, Medium or Micro Enterprise **

YES                    NO      

** See EU definition of SME

Relevant company registration documents should be attached as an annex to the ITB.

  1. Bidder Profile

Company profile and qualifications:

    • Company registration certificate and details on company ownership.
    • Statement of the structure and size of the company. 
    • List of previous clients, including international organisations if any.
    • Contact details for two referees who can speak to bidder’s past performance of related activities.


  1.   Price Proposal Format

All Bidders must submit a price proposal in a separate email clearly stating ‘Price Proposal’ in the subject field of the email along with the ITB reference number. Price proposal should be submitted following the below format:

Vehicle Type

Vehicle Model (Year)

Vehicle Specs

Price Per Day (USD)

Price per Week (USD)

Price per Month (USD)














Bidders should note the services requirements are from 4 September 2022 to 3 September 2023 and are therefore invited to include any additional discounts for longer term hire for consecutive months.

It should also be noted services will be requested on an as required basis and therefore are not guaranteed for the full duration of the time period.

  1. Evaluation Criteria  

A points formula will be used during the review process to score proposals submitted. If several proposals are closely ranked, ARK may arrange discussions with the bidders to assist in the selection process. Proposals will be evaluated and scored for both technical and price criteria. The maximum score for the technical and price proposal is 150.

The evaluation criteria are as follows:


  1. Mandatory Criteria (Proposals failing to meet the mandatory requirements will not be considered).
    • Company Registration Certificate and/or related documentation to demonstrate authority to rent vehicles.
    • Proven experience providing rental services within Lebanon.
    • Capability to supply vehicles during the time period from 4 September 2022 to 3 September 2023.
    • Full vehicle insurance coverage.


  1. Technical Criteria (maximum 50 points)
  • The ability to supply vehicle models that are not older than 2018, with automatic driving system and no mileage limitations. (10 points).  
  • The ability to supply 4X4 type vehicles with 3.8 or above engines (seven-seater) with a large boot to fit equipment and supplies. (10 points).
  • The availability of hotline support service and 24/7 car servicing option (oil, breaks, tyres, etc), when and where required. (10 points).
  • The capability to offer a replacement vehicle at no additional cost to ARK until the rented vehicle is returned, in case of accidents or periodic check-up/repairs. (10 points).
  • The availability of pick-up and delivery service to ARK's Beirut office at no additional cost on the rental price. (5 points)
  • Track record (client list and references provided (5 points).


  1. Price Criteria (maximum 100 points)

Only bidders meeting the minimum threshold of 25 points in the technical evaluation will be taken forward to the price evaluation. The maximum number of points for the Price Proposal is 100. The maximum score for price will be assigned to the bidder offering the lowest price and proportional scores will be assigned to the other proposals.


  1. Award of Contract and Timeline

Please note that ARK is not committed to selecting any of the companies submitting proposals. This ITB is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract. This ITB may result in LTAs with several companies based on the outcome of the evaluation. It is anticipated that the successful the successful company or companies will be contracted at the end of August. ARK will issue Call Down Orders (CDOs) against the awarded LTAs on an as required basis. The LTA is not a guarantee of a minimum order value or quantity.


We look forward to receiving your proposal.



Yours faithfully,









Annex 1: Statement of Work

Vehicle Rental Long Term Agreement – Lebanon


  1. Background Information

ARK Group DMCC (hereinafter referred to as “ARK”) is a stabilisation and development company committed to empowering local communities and beneficiaries in conflict, post-conflict, and fragile areas through the provision of evidence-based programmatic interventions, policy recommendations, research and capacity-building. ARK is registered in the Dubai, United Arab Emirates, with project offices in Jordan, Lebanon and the UK. The services under this ITB are required for the Beirut branch office.

  1. Purpose

Vehicles are required to transport project personnel and equipment, to attend meetings, conduct field visits and site inspections, conduct research activities in several locations around Lebanon. All these requirements are to be met both in and outside Beirut. ARK is estimating the quantity of required vehicles to be 19 for the delivery period. This is to give an indication of the fleet availability expected. However, ARK does not guarantee or make any assurance that any, or any minimum or particular volume of services will be ordered under this Agreement.

  1. Description of Services Required

ARK is seeking for a Lebanon based and registered vehicle supplier who can provide the following services on an as required basis from 4 September 2022 to 3 September 2023:

  1. Supply vehicles 4X4 type vehicles with 3.8 or above engine size, seven-seater. Cars should have a large boot to fit material for trainings.
  2. Supply vehicle models that are not older than 2018-2019.
  3. Supply vehicles with automatic driving system only.
  4. Supply cars with GPS.
  5. Offer a free mileage package.

ARK will also expect the Service Provider to ensure that the following is in place:

  1. 24 hour emergency back-up service
  2. Maintenance package to include regular routine checks; oil changes.
  3. All offered vehicles must be registered and licensed.
  4. Full comprehensive insurance cover is required.
  5. Each vehicle must have the regular emergency kit including but not limited to fire extinguisher and tire jack.
  6. In case of any accidents, a replacement vehicle must be provided by the service provider at no additional cost to ARK until the rented vehicle is repaired.
  7. Availability of pick-up and delivery service.


  1. Timeframe

The period of the service will be from 4 September 2022 to 3 September 2023. ARK may extend the services for an additional year.

  1. Payment Schedule

Payments will be made monthly by bank transfer upon the receipt of an itemised invoice and successful delivery of services.

  1. Requirements and Qualifications:
  1. Licensed to operate as a vehicle supplier.
  2. Rented cars must be valid for use and free from defects or defaults that can affect safety in a normal use of the vehicle.
  3. In case of an accident or damage:
  • If the accident or damage is minor and its repair does not require more than USD 200, ARK must pay the cost and implement the repair without referring to the Service Provider.
  • If the accident or the damage is large and/or caused damage to a third party:
  • ARK will obtain a report on the accident from the insurance and police.
  • The Service Provider shall be fully responsible of the cost of repair.
  • In case the vehicle is fully damaged, insurance should cover the cost of repair/ or damage.
  1. The Service Provider must provide a replacement vehicle until the damage is repaired without any additional cost to ARK.


How to apply

  1. Instructions for Submitting Proposals


  1. This ITB consists of the following documents:
  • This ITB with submission instructions and evaluation criteria
  • Annex 1: Statement of Work
  • Annex 2: Proposal Declaration Form


  1. Proposals should be submitted via email to [email protected] adhering to the following instructions:
  • Your proposal should be prepared in English.
  • Your submission should comprise of the following documents:
  • Proposal Declaration Form
  • A copy of your company registration document(s)
  • Technical Proposal
  • Price Proposal
  • Technical and price proposals must be submitted in separate emails. The first email shall be

marked "[Your Company Name] - ITB-LTA-22-ARKLB0037 Technical Proposal" and contain the (1) Proposal Declaration Form, (2) A copy of your company registration certificate and (3) your Technical Proposal. The second email shall be marked "[Your Company Name] - ITB-LTA-22-ARKLB0037 Price Proposal" and include your Price Proposal only. The technical proposal must not make reference to cost or pricing information at any point. This will ensure that technical evaluation is made strictly on the basis of technical merit.

Failure to agree and comply with any of the above specifications will result in the bidder being considered unresponsive and the proposal may be rejected.

  1. Proposals must be received by ARK no later than 24 August 2022, 18:00 (Local - Beirut, Lebanon). Any proposal received after this date will be rejected. ARK may, at its discretion, extend the deadline, by notifying all prospective bidders in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the bid documents prepared by ARK at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a bidder.


  1. Requests for clarification should be sent via email to [email protected]. Clarification questions may be sent until 17 August 2022. The ITB number should be quoted in all correspondence. Any written reply to a particular question may be shared with all other bidders who have expressed an interest. If you wish to receive answers to clarification questions sent by other bidders, please send an expression of interest to [email protected] by 16 August 2022. An expression of interest is encouraged but is not a requirement to participate in the ITB.


  1. Discussions may be held to clarify proposals. If any such discussions are held, bidders will be notified that a best and final offer may be submitted by a revised deadline. The best and final offer provides the opportunity for bidders to revise their proposals based on additional information gathered during discussions. If a best and final offer is not submitted, the previous offer will be considered as the best and final offer.


  1. ARK reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted and to request additional information from all bidders.


  1. ARK is not committed to select any of the companies submitting proposals and this ITB is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract. This ITB may also result in LTAs with several companies based on the outcome of the evaluation.
Wednesday, 24. Aug 2022
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):