Request for QUotation (RFQ-24-ARKLB1284) Supply, Install, and Commission Classroom Furniture and IT devices in Lebanon
ARK is a stabilisation and development company committed to empowering local communities and beneficiaries in conflict, post-conflict, and fragile areas through the provision of evidence-based programmatic interventions, policy recommendations, research and capacity-building. ARK is registered in the United Arab Emirates DMCC freezone as a commercial entity. The services under this RFQ are required for the Beirut branch office.
How to apply
Complete the template in Annex 1 and send to
- Quotations must be submitted via email to The subject heading should state: RFQ ARKLB1284
- Quotations must be received before the closing deadline, but you are encouraged to submit your quotation as soon as possible.
- All questions for this RFQ are to be sent by email to Please quote the RFQ number in all correspondence
Quotations must be submitted on the template in Annex 1.
The quotation must include the cost of goods, tax, transport, handling and all other costs and fees. Prices will not be negotiated after the tender closes and so you should offer your best price upfront.
Please refer to the attached Request for Quotation (RFQ) document for complete details.