AFE is aiming to produce two online video campaigns centered on Freedom of Expression

AFE is targeting both traditional and online media to increase the reach of the messaging, which usually is stuck in ally online circles. Through these campaigns, AFE is aiming to inject online messages challenging censorship across age groups and social statuses.

Terms of Reference:

Produce 2 online video campaigns

  1. The first campaign will shed light on the current status of FOE in Lebanon
  2. The second campaign will shed light on the legal background of FOE

The selected production house/start-ups/freelancers will hold an inception meeting with the Media department at AFE and will go through the specific objectives of the project and agree on the precise dates and time for the launching of the campaigns.

Campaigns should be conducted between December 10, 2021, and January 20, 2022.

How to apply

Kindly send your quotation to [email protected] 

Tuesday, 07. Dec 2021
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media, Democracy & Civic rights, Gender issues, Human Rights & Protection