Rehabilitation Consultant - Engineer for Safe Spaces


RTP is seeking an expert consultant/engineer that exhibits knowledge in the creation and maintenance of safe learning environments in the kindergartens/educational centers in Beirut, South, and North. 

The primary objectives of the rehabilitation are as follows:

- Enhance the creation and maintenance of safe and inclusive learning environments in the kindergartens/educational centers.

- Increase access of children with disabilities to safe and inclusive learning environments in the kindergartens/educational centers in a way that meets the criteria for physical and emotional safety/emotional well-being.


Rehabilitation works will cost around $14,000 USD, should take place in 4-8 kindergartens/educational centers across Beirut, South, and North, and should be completed by December 15, 2021.

With the help of RTP’s staff, the consultant’s tasks will include (but are not limited to):

  • Conducting visits to the sites intended for rehabilitation;
  • Assessing and identifying the rehabilitation needs;
  • Developing the design drawings and Bill of Quantities (BOQs);
  • Participating in the bidding/tender process and support RTP in selecting adequate contractor/supplier of rehabilitation services;
  • Closely monitoring the activity and following up on the contractor(s) during implementation and providing technical input accordingly;
  • Drafting and submitting reports that reflect implementation progress;

  IV. Consultant (s) responsibilities will include the following:

  • Preparation: The consultant will have to do field visits to the identified locations, assess, identify rehabilitation needed, develop detailed BOQs, and drawings.
  • Material: The consultant will provide clear assessment reports that will be delivered at the early stage of the contract explaining the rehabilitation needed in addition to the BOQs that can be set by the site, or region (Beirut, South, and North).
  • Bidding/Tender Process: The consultant will take part in the tender process and support RTP in selecting adequate contractor(s) to conduct rehabilitation activities.
  • Rehabilitation Implementation: The consultant will lead, supervise, monitor, and support the Rehabilitation activities and processes in Beirut, South, and North through regular field visits, constant communication with the contractor(s) and RTP, and regular reports submitted to RTP.
  • Report Writing: The consultant will prepare reports (monthly, and final) detailing each intervention, inclusive of recommendations and lessons learned. The report will consist of, at minimum, an executive summary, a detailed description of the methodology and works’ evolution, a table listing challenges and limitations faced, solutions adopted to overcome them, pictures, etc.

   RTP responsibilities will include the following:

  • Provide documents on the project to be reviewed by the consultant.
  • Orient the consultant to Right To Play’s programs and its M&E strategy, procedures and systems.
  • Orient the consultant on RTP Policies and Procedures.
  • Provide feedback to preliminary results.
  • Review reports submitted by the consultant.

The consultant will directly report to the Project Officer at Lebanon office, who will serve as the focal point person for this Rehabilitation process.

The consultant will sign a Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) along with the agreement.

How to apply

Kindly refer to the attached TOR.

Interested applicants are requested to submit the following documents:


  • Cover Letter, Suggested approach, and methodology (1 page max)
  • CV of key staff involved, and roles envisioned
  • CV of key staff involved, and roles envisioned Financial proposal signed and stamped
  • Preferred payment method should be mentioned
  •  Registration and legal permits


The proposal must be submitted no later than Sunday, October 24, 2021 to:


1-Mr. Kevork Dersarkissian, Logistics Coordinator, Right To Play Lebanon

at: [email protected].


 2-Mrs. Milia Jebran, Project Officer, Right To Play Lebanon 

at: [email protected].


N.B. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. 



The following should be clearly stated in the email heading: Consultant/Engineer for Safe Spaces” Early submissions are encouraged and appreciated. While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted. 

Competitive budgets would be considered. 


Friday, 22. Oct 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
28 October 2021 till 15 December 2021