Invitation to Submit an Expression of Interest with Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative (LOGI)

Founded in 2014, LOGI is an independent non-governmental organization based in Beirut that promotes the transparent and good governance of

Lebanon’s oil and gas resources. Its mission is to help Lebanon maximize the economic and social benefits of its oil and gas wealth. It focuses on public awareness, policy development and advocacy, capacity building and technical assistance to help Lebanon maximize the economic and social benefits of its oil and gas wealth – and avoid the resource curse.

The Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative (LOGI) and in partnership with Publish What You Pay (PWYP) have launched a 3-year project entitled “A United Civil Society for a Transparent Petroleum Sector”. This project is funded by NORAD. With support from PWYP, a home-grown coalition of civil society actors was established in July 2020, called the Coalition for Energy Governance. The establishment of a PWYP coalition in Lebanon was among the primary objectives achieved under this project. Another main objective of this project is to establish a forum for information sharing between the authorities, Coalition for Energy Governance, experts, and the civil society organizations and the international community, subsequently promoting public consultations, and raising public awareness.

This forum of sharing information is translated into organizing roundtables and 2-day discussions every year with the different stakeholders. This aims to establish an inclusive platform that ensures multi-stakeholder discussions occur around relevant petroleum related issues, and to garner consensus on key issues related to the governance of the petroleum sector in Lebanon.

To ensure wide inclusivity, LOGI is conducting a rapid outreach for local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and groups in the different districts of Lebanon

A number up of 20-30 CBOs with ongoing activities (anywhere in Lebanon and from different sectors, e.g. Environment, advocacy, policy reforms, civic actions, Legal, transparency, good governance, energy, gender, Youth) will be identified to participate in the different platforms of communication created by LOGI and PWYP.

How to apply

Submission of expression of interest

Following the submission of expressions of interest that should be entitled: “LOGI Expression of interest” by 21st of August 2021 at 12:00 pm to [email protected] & [email protected]

Potential partners can apply in English or Arabic.  Any applications should be entitled: “LOGI Expression of interest”. Any applications which do not use this title in the email or received after the deadline may not be considered.

LOGI will shortlist applications based on the eligibility criteria mentioned above, and on the strength of their initial concept.  Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the expression of interest sent and will be added to the mapping also possibly for a potential future grant.

The Expression of Interest Template can be found below. Please click download. 

Saturday, 21. Aug 2021
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Environment, Gender issues, Good governance and transparency, Law & Legal Affairs, Women Status & Issues