LITB-2021-9164896 Tender for the provision of Generator Oil and Batteries to Water Establishment in Lebanon

Offers should be sent to the following secured email ONLY: "[email protected]". Subject line of the email should indicate: ITB number (LITB-2021-9164899) and name of your company.

BoQ and specification can be found in the below link:


How to apply



Offers must be received by latest 12:00 hours (Beirut time) on  17 February 2021 and will be opened at 12:30 hours (Beirut time) on 17 February 2021. Offers received after the stipulated date and time or sent to another email address will be invalidated.

NB: All requests for formal clarifications or queries on this ITB must be submitted in writing to the following emails: ([email protected] ; [email protected];) by latest 12 February 2021 closing of business hours Beirut time. LITB-2021-9164899

Read carefully General terms and condition of this bid.


Wednesday, 24. Feb 2021
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Water sanitation and hygiene