RFQ-SW-001-24 Terms of Reference: SoftWare Services

Terms of Reference is attached- RFQ-SW-001-24

How to apply

.interested companies are to submit their offers by mail or in person

:For offers sent by mail

Complete offer and documents must be sent to [email protected]

E-Mail title must be:" Terms of Reference: Software Services RFQ-SW-001-24"

E-mails without the above title will be disregarded.


:For offers submitted in person


Phone: +961 6 44 66 81 Ext 106


E-Mail: [email protected]


:Complete offer documents shall be sent to the following address

City Complex – 1st Floor – Riad El Solh Road

P.O. Box 1327 – Tripoli, Lebanon


Complete offer documents must be in a sealed and Stamped envelope with the following statements in block letters on its back:"Terms of Reference  RFQ-SW-001-24"


Last Submission Date:           Thursday, September 12, 2024

Closing Time:                          5:00 pm


Thursday, 12. Sep 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):