Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

Please send you CV and Cover Letter to the administrative email ([email protected]) Mention in the Subject of your email the JOB TITTLE you are Applying for.

Contact Person Name: 
Mohamad Ghandour
Contact Person Position: 
Project Coordinator
Contact Person Email: 


In 2013, the Government of Lebanon opened its public education system to cater for the enormous numbers of Syrian refugee students. In 2017/2018, non-Lebanese students outnumbered Lebanese students in the public education system. The responsibility for educating all these students resides with the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) who, alongside a number of donors, launched the Reaching All Children with Education II (RACE II) programme in 2016.

The World Bank (WB) and Government of Lebanon (GoL), especially the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), designed Support to RACE II (S2R2) to deliver on significant parts of RACE2 relating to the formal education sector. S2R2 is designed to complement other work developed to support RACE II, such as activities planned and implemented with UNICEF, UNHCR and UNESCO.

In addition to FCDO’s financial contribution to RACE II, it supports a full-time, embedded technical assistance team to MEHE. In March 2018, a three- year technical assistance project was awarded to Oxford Policy Management, which will expand the TA facility to serve additional MEHE priority areas to achieve the objectives of RACE II through the S2R2 programme. The TA team will support the Government of Lebanon to deliver the immediate objectives of the S2R2 programme while building the capacity, systems and processes, which will underpin a medium-term sector development strategy.


The M&E framework for the Technical Assistance to Support RACE2 (OPMTA programme) has been led by OPM’s international M&E advisors in close collaboration with the programme management and the technical assistance team in Lebanon for a while, then a MEL expert took over for around 6 months until December 2020. As every M&E framework, the aim is to develop systems that are useful and utilised by the beneficiaries and maximise programme impact.

As we are transitioning the function to be led in-country, we believe this will facilitate and improve information collection and analysis throughout the various M&E milestones.

Our approach to internal programme MEL focuses on learning and impact in order to improve the implementation of the programme, using monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) below approaches:

  1. Determining information needs: Which information they need in order to know whether they are achieving what they set out to achieve. This in turn leads to a definition as to which information the M&E team needs to collect.
  2. Reflection: We have found that it is useful for the implementing teams to reflect in regular intervals on whether they are achieving what they set out to achieve. This needs to happen in a ‘safe space’ where it is possible to admit mistakes and think freely about new ideas for a way forward. Such reflection can lead to changes in the design or implementation (adaptation).

Then the implementation of the MEL framework requires:

  1. Data collection strategy: determining what date needs to be collected, from whom, using which strategies and when.
  2. Analysis of data: including periodic reflection upon progress against work plan (and also against logframe and relative to Theory of Change). It also requires in-depth knowledge of the political economy of the implementation environments.
  3. Uptake of this information: making appropriate changes to work plans, risk registers, log frames and the Theory of Change assumptions based on analysis of the dynamic context
  4. Reporting: reporting to the Government of Lebanon (GoL) as well as to the donor on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
  5. Closure of programme. Collect and analyse the needed information for the end of programme closure report.


The in-country MEL advisor’s main responsibilities include:

  • implement and strengthen M&E. determine information needs, potential indicators, data sources, and analysis. Integrate these into processes for reporting, feedback, learning and adaptation; develop an understanding of systems already in place and how they can be strengthened, support implementation of new/improved systems
  • support distillation and dissemination of learnings from workstreams. Undertake relevant reflection sessions to see what has worked and what has not. Where appropriate include beneficiaries, government stakeholders, the donor and other implementation partners. Collate these lesson and share them widely with programme staff, government counterparts and the donor.
  • build relationships with relevant stakeholders (technical assistance team members, government stakeholders) to understand their needs and to be able to build systems and provide information that are useful for them


We are looking for a MEL advisor with experience of the following:

  • Degree in relevant discipline
  • Experience with leading design of M&E systems projects, including developing theories of change, logframes, indicators, data sources, reporting and feedback processes
  • Experience with sharing information with government stakeholders in such a way that they are interested in them and, ideally, adapt their actions and policies on that basis.
  • Experience with quantitative data, such as design and implementation of quantitative surveys and impact evaluations. This is ideally coupled with field experience in managing data collection activities
  • Experience of feeding information from monitoring activities into the programme risk register
  • Strong data analysis skills
  • Expertise in ensuring that lesson learnt from M&E are in suitable formats, are utilised and inform future programming/planning
  • Experience working with the GoL
  • Experience in working with international stakeholders (e.g. donors) to design/implement M&E systems


The position is a part time (10 days a month) position for the remaining duration of the programme.



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
27 Jan, 2021
Intervention Sector(s):
Application Deadline:
Sunday, 7 February 2021
Contract Type:
Part Time
Period of Employment:
9 months (based on Program Extension) - 10 days/Month
Salary Range:
2500 to 3000 (USD)
Education Degree:
Masters Degree
Education Degree Details:
Degree in relevant discipline
Experience Requirements:
5 to 10 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon