Research Consultant - Participatory, Youth-led Gender and Masculinity

Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

To apply, interested candidates (individuals or teams) are requested to submit the following documents through the below link:

  • Curriculum vitae and Cover Letter
  • The methodological approach the consultant intends to use to work with youth and implement this action research, based on Search’s Youth-led Research Guidance and Listening & Learning (L&L) toolkit;
  • A financial proposal for the completion of the aforementioned deliverables and a short cover letter
  • A sample of previous works, reports, training syllabus, etc (combined in one Portfolio pdf).

This consultancy starts in January 2021, and will end in March 2021.

Applications must be submitted on Lever before January 3, 2021.

Only applications through the link will be taken into consideration

Contact Person Name: 
Sandra Sader
Contact Person Position: 
HR Officer
Contact Person Email: 

1. Context

The Project

Despite the various efforts made in Lebanon to achieve gender equality and end violence against women and girls (VAWG), the situation remains troubling. In 2019, Lebanon ranked 145th out of 153 countries in the world on the World Economic Forum’s global gender gap index and ranked 14th among the 19 MENA countries [] Patriarchal social structures and practices limit women’s access to economic resources and to political and leadership positions, while reinforcing gender-based violence in public policy.

Partners for Justice project’s objective is to reduce violence against women and girls in Lebanon.

Search and ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality (ABAAD) will build on their expertise and experiences to raise awareness on gender equality and equitabel masculinities and shape attitudes of men, women, boys and girls around VAWG, and to create opportunities for men and boys to become allies in ending violence against women. This will be supported by the following objectives:

  • Engage men and boys to work with women to become allies and champions of gender equality and prevention of violence against women and girls;
  • Foster a change in communities’ perceptions and attitudes in target areas around violence against women and girls and all of the assumptions related to it.

The first part of this project is focusing on working with youth organizations and their representatives in the project by providing them with knowledge and building their capacities on Gender Equality and Positive Masculinity as well as on research methodologies and approaches. With these activities being done, they aim at exploring and analyzing narratives of masculinities in the contextual settings where the youth organizations are working and at providing men and boys with a safe space to reflect on their own behaviors. Selected 30 representatives from youth organizations will do so by carrying out research in the target geographies to identify local-level barriers to positive masculinities and gender equality as well as to identify characteristics of alternative masculinities the project seeks to encourage.


In the second part of the project, Search and ABAAD will select media actors to participate in a training on Media for Social Change, along with the youth representatives. Afterwards, the youth-led research on gender and masculinity, the series of working sessions with youth and media actors, and the knowledge sharing opportunities will feed into the design of a national awareness and advocacy campaign that is relevant to Lebanon rural and urban contexts. This campaign will 1) aim to enhance national and regional knowledge and understanding on masculinities and VAWG through a youth-led approach; 2) influence policy and decision-making processes by targeting key influencers; 3) create a momentum for local and international organizations to support youth in their cutting-edge research findings and research-informed campaign and 4) inform and support future work on engaging men and boys in preventing VAWG drawn from empirical research and contextualized definitions and understandings of masculinities.

2. Objectives of the Consultancy

As part of the project, Search is seeking to hire a consultant that will conduct a Youth Led, Gender and Masculinity Research, of which will be ultimately led by youth participants (researchers) under the supervision of the consultant in five different geographical areas in Lebanon with the following objectives:  

  • Identifying the attitudes and beliefs that push boys and men to embrace patriarchal values;
  • Identifying characteristics of alternative masculinities the project seeks to encourage - male champions (men and boys) who support and respect women and girls, speak out against violence, and promote the role of women and girls in public life, including in peace and security;
  • Investigating societal challenges and barriers to these alternative discourses in addition to opportunities and measures have been done so far to reduce VAWG;
  • The research will contribute to Identifying and proposing the key areas of focus of the media campaign, including groups, ages, relevant media platforms and main topics on alternative equitable masculinities to be highlighted in this campaign (key messages).

Given the specific nature of the methodology of the research (See section 5: Methodology and Data Collection Tools) the consultant will be also required to develop and provide training on research methodologies that specifically aims at increasing the capacity and the skills of youth representatives (researchers) on research practices based on Search’s Youth-led Research Guidance and Listening & Learning (L&L) toolkit of which will be utilised while conducting the research. The training is also expected to strengthen leadership skills of the youth researchers by building stronger relationships with members of their communities, and analyzing the gender norms and masculinities in Lebanon.

Upon the completion of data analysis, the consultant is required to plan and facilitate a “Knowledge Sharing Workshop” that will include the 30 youth leaders. The workshop will serve as a safe space for youth researchers to share their findings per area as well as their experiences, and reflect on how the knowledge and skills they acquired during the training were utilized during the research in the targeted communities. In addition, the consultant will be responsible for helping them identify key messages and the target audiences of the media campaign. The outputs of the workshop will be reflected in the final research by the consultant.

3. Key Questions of the Research

The key questions of the research will focus on identifying the gender norms and masculine behaviors that enforce gender inequality in the targeted communities. It will also aim at identifying the characteristics of alternative equitable masculinities and proposing key information on the target audience, relevant media platforms and key messages to be used in the media campaign.

The key questions that the research will address are listed below. The consultant is free to add/remove/change the questions if relevant to what the research aims at exploring, studying and informing on, with the approval of the Project Manager, the MEAL Manager and the Gender Advisor:

  • What are the common gender norms present in all of the targeted areas?
  • How do the areas differ in terms of gender norms?
  • What do the community members know about gender and gender roles? Have they heard of it? If yes, what do they know? What are the examples that they can give?
  • What do the community members know about gender equality? How do they perceive it?
  • What do the community members know about MenEngage and Masculinities? or any initiatives aimed at changing the traditional roles of men and boys?
  • How do the community members perceive working on masculinities in their communities to achieve gender equality?
  • What are the knowledge, perceptions, beliefs and attitudes that push men and boys to embrace patriarchal values?
  • What are the barriers that stand against men and boys in adopting equitable masculinities and being proactive members in speaking about gender inequalities and their implications on men and women in their communities?
  • In the opinion of community members, what are the characteristics of alternative equitable masculinities? What are some examples of these alternative masculinities?
  • What do the community members think about the media and its role in raising awareness on gender equality and masculinities?
  • What are the relevant media platforms that people in the community use and that can be used for the media campaign?
  • Who can be the main target audience for the media campaign? and why?
  • What are the main examples related to equitable masculinities that the media campaign should focus on?

4. Geographic Locations

The research will take place in five different geographical areas in Lebanon (Mount Lebanon, Bekaa, North, Beirut, and South).

5. Methodology and Data Collection Tools

Based on years of experiment and experiences, Search for Common Ground has developed a Youth Mapping Methodology Toolkit ( a Youth-Led Research Guidance note.

Youth-led research enables young people to analyze the conflict dynamics in their communities or society, and supports their leadership in using the findings to amplify voice, articulate recommendations, and bridge dividing lines. The voice of the young people can enable new partnerships across dividing lines, integrate marginalized communities, and open opportunities for dialogue with other stakeholders as the research results are shared and discussed.

This Methodology can help programs to understand what young people are doing, and how they are organized, in order to better understand the full breadth of young people’s influence in their communities. Youth researchers will be first trained to use SFCG’s “Listening and Learning” methodology [] to conduct qualitative research in the selected area of this project (See Section 2: Objectives of the consultancy). The “Listening and Learning” (L&L) method is based on conversations to capture individual perspectives and experiences. L&L shifts the act of gathering information from a one-sided interview where only subjects share intimate and private information, to an exchange of experiences where the researchers themselves participate in the sharing of personal views, experiences, and emotions in a non-adversarial manner.

Building on the above, the research will apply a qualitative approach consisting of secondary data collection consisting of thorough literature review of available and related materials, And primary qualitative methods of data collection. These specifically are, Youth-led peer-to peer interviews, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs).

As outlined in section 2, the research will be youth-led. The key factor to that is that youth researchers  play a leadership role in all stages of design, data collection, data analysis, and results sharing under the supervision of the consultant.

Therefore, the consultant will be responsible for; 1) reviewing and summarizing available literature focused on Gender norms and Masculinity in Lebanon involving youth in the targeted communities and 2) utilize Search’s Youth-Led Research methodology and guidance and the L&L toolkit to design the training work plan on topics outlined above of which youth researchers will be trained on. 3) The consultant will also utilize the methodology and the toolkit to design the final methodological framework of the research in collaboration with the targeted youth researchers in a participatory manner, including the development of data collection tools.

Under the supervision of the consultant, youth researchers will collect primary data by utilizing youth-led peer-to-peer interviews and KIIs with selected adult stakeholders by using a snowball sampling technique. The respondents for the KIIs will be selected based on purposive sampling in the target locations to meet the required sampling criteria and to ensure inclusivity of the community diversity.

Besides the peer to peer interviews, the KIIs will include interviews with key civil society organizations (CSOs), including main stakeholders e.g., governmental officials, religious leaders, ethnic leaders, women leaders, youth, journalists, people engaged in the media work (bloggers, screenwriters, producers, etc.), elderlies, leaderships of existing projects focused on women, masculinity and gender equality etc. to ensure representativeness from different key players who understand gender norms and masculinity in Lebanon and who may be strategic adults while promoting gender and masculinity narratives in the future. Moreover, the research will also include youth-led FGDs with community members including youth, women and men.

Upon the completion of the field phase and preliminary analysis, the consultant will be responsible for planning and facilitating the “Knowledge Sharing Workshop” that will include the 30 youth researchers. The workshop will serve as a safe space for youth researchers to share their findings per area as well as their experiences, and reflect on how the knowledge and skills they acquired during the training were utilized during the research in the targeted communities. In addition, the consultant will be responsible for helping them identify key messages and the target audiences of the media campaign. The outputs of the workshop will be reflected in the final research by the consultant.

The Inception report will also include sampling strategies associated with the proposed methods, methodologies for data analysis outlined with justifications and reasoning for any key methods mentioned, Do No Harm strategies, and suggested dissemination plans. Search will review and validate the proposed methods, tools, and data storage plans prior to data collection.


Search expects the following deliverables from the external consultant(s) as they correspond to the timeline and budget:

*Deliverable: Desk review of existing materials, strategies and approaches on youth-led research

Deadline: December 14, 2020

*Deliverable: Based on the desk review, Search’s Youth-led Research Guidance and Listening & Learning (L&L) toolkit (The Listening & Learning (L&L) toolkit is an innovative youth lead, technically advised and adult supported approach that is based on conversations to capture individual perspectives and experiences. Grounded in principles of Participatory Action Research (PAR), L&L shifts the act of gathering information from a one-sided interview where only subjects share intimate and private information, to an exchange of experiences where the researchers themselves participate in the sharing of personal views, experiences, and emotions in a non-adversarial manner) , produce an inception report detailing the methodology and the planning of a training on research methodologies and approaches. This should include relevant ethical and safeguarding protocol

The Listening & Learning (L&L) toolkit is an innovative youth lead, technically advised and adult supported approach that is based on conversations to capture individual perspectives and experiences. Grounded in principles of Participatory Action Research (PAR), L&L shifts the act of gathering information from a one-sided interview where only subjects share intimate and private information, to an exchange of experiences where the researchers themselves participate in the sharing of personal views, experiences, and emotions in a non-adversarial manner:

Deadline: December 23, 2020

*Deliverable: Deliver the training to 30 youth representatives, and design and develop the gender and masculinity research with the 30 youth representatives, including conceptual framework, methodology, tools, duration and deliverables

Deadline: January 13, 2020

*Deliverable: Lead and supervise the research implemented by the 30 youth representatives (data collection process, oversight of the data coding process, submission of the databases to Search, analysis of the data collected and production of a draft evaluation report)

Deadline: February 13, 2020

*Deliverable: Produce a plan for the Knowledge Sharing Workshop

Deadline: March 1, 2020

*Deliverable: Implement the Knowledge Sharing Workshop

Deadline: March 12, 2020

*Deliverable: In close collaboration with the 30 youth representatives, produce a final report in English (40 pages max in length, excluding appendices) on the conducted research that consists of:

  • Table of contents
  • Abbreviations
  • Executive summary of methodology, limitations, key findings and recommendations
  • Background information (project specifics)
  • Methodology: Objectives, data collection and analysis and limitations of the research
  • Research findings and conclusions with associated data presented in line with the agreed tools and questions, including area based profiles and relevant data needed for the logframe;
  • Recommendation for the media campaign including target audience, relevant media platforms and key messaging;
  • Appendices which include detailed research instruments, list of interviewees, evaluator biography and transcribed raw data.

Deadline: March 20, 2020

*Deliverable: Produce a brief report on the workshop highlighting the different experiences lived by the youth representatives while implementing the research in their communities, as well as lessons learnt and recommendations for the campaign.

Deadline: March 20, 2020

Logistical Support

Consultant will be responsible for organizing their own logistics (communication, vehicles, fuel, and drivers), and this must be budgeted into the consultancy. Search can provide support in arranging logistics as agreed upon based on the consultant’s proposal. At least one Search staff member may be available to support in communication and logistics.

In addition, Search and partners will share the following elements with the external consultant: Background materials including the project two-pager, the baseline report, the Youth-led Research Guidance and Listening & Learning (L&L) toolkit, IMAGES study, etc.

6. Ethical Considerations

In line with the ethical codes and guidelines of research, the consultancy should take into consideration the Do No Harm, Conflict sensitivity, and inclusion principles throughout the processes of designing, implementing, and finalizing the proposed assignment.  The consultant is required to respect the following ethical principles:

  • Comprehensive and systematic inquiry: The consultant should make the most of the existing information and a full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. The consultant should conduct systematic, data-based inquiries. They should communicate their methods and approaches accurately and in sufficient detail to allow others to understand, interpret, and critique their work. They should make clear the limitations of the review and its results.
  • Competence: The consultant should possess the abilities and skills and experience appropriate to undertake the tasks proposed and should practice within the limits of their professional training and competence.
  • Honesty and integrity: The consultant should be transparent with the contractor/constituent about: any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan, and the reasons why those changes were made, any risk that certain procedures or activities produce misleading review information.
  • Respect for people: Consultant should respect the security, dignity, and self-worth of the respondents, program participants. The consultant has the responsibility to be sensitive to and respect differences amongst participants in culture, religion, gender, disability, age, and ethnicity. 

7. Data Quality Assurance and Management

The consultant is expected to enhance and implement international ethical standards and principles for research, as well as ethical principles of working with youth, including considering all risks, protection and accountability issues related to this exercise.

The consultant will be responsible for ensuring that data quality and to define all the measures taken into account to ensure that ethics is ensured in data management and storage.

The consultant shall observe ‘’Do No Harm’’ principles and protocol while carrying out the youth led research and ensure protection of respondents and youth researchers. The consultant shall supervise the youth researchers all along the data collection. The consultant shall oversee data quality issues during data collection, management and report writing.

All deliverables will be reviewed and approved by the Project Manager and the MEAL Manager prior to the acceptance of the final product. 

8. Timeline 

The duration of this consultancy is 4 months

9. Budget

The budget available for this consultancy is 16,000 USD.

10. Requirements of Consultant

The following skills and experience are expected by Search for the consultant for this project:

  • Degree (and/or equivalent experience) in humanitarian assistance, social work, gender studies, sexuality studies, human rights, international law, social science or related field. Advanced degree preferred;
  • Proficiency in Arabic and English (written and spoken);
  • Solid communication skills, cultural awareness and sensitivity;
  • Clear understanding of gender, masculinities and violence against women and girls in Lebanon;
  • Demonstrable knowledge of/and commitment to women’s and child protection, empowerment, inclusion and equality and prevention of gender-based violence;
  • Demonstrable understanding of power inequalities in the humanitarian action;
  • Participatory approach to training and facilitation;
  • More than 5 years of experience in designing and implementing research, including facilitating data collection led by the youth and conducting training and reporting. This should include participatory research experience. Specific experience in delivering research for media campaigns would be preferable;
  • Experience in working with international organizations;
  • Experience in working with youth on sensitive topics such as masculinities and violence;
  • Evaluation methods and data analysis skills;
  • Demonstrated ability to write high quality, methodologically sound and analytical papers in English;
  • Ability to work with people from various social and professional backgrounds and at all levels;
  • Demonstrated ability to use technological devices and conduct any activity online using advanced platforms such as Zoom.

Selection Criteria

Consultant proposals will be selected for:

  • Relevance of proposed methodology to the goal, objectives, and research questions for the project;
  • Quality of proposed methods, conflict sensitivity approaches, and quality control measures;
  • Qualifications of the candidate(s);
  • Proposed budget in relation to proposed methodology, deliverables and team;
  • Timeline for proposed activities.




Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
23 Dec, 2020
Intervention Sector(s):
Conflict Resolution
Application Deadline:
Sunday, 3 January 2021
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
4 months
Salary Range:
> 3000 (USD)
Education Degree:
Bachelor Degree
Education Degree Details:
Degree (and/or equivalent experience) in humanitarian assistance, social work, gender studies, sexuality studies, human rights, international law, social science or related field. Advanced degree preferred;
Experience Requirements:
5 to 10 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon