About Chemonics

Chemonics International is an international development company based in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to promote meaningful change around the world to help people live healthier, more productive and more independent lives. Since 1975 we have worked in 149 countries around the world, and currently implement 113 contracts in 68 countries. Our main partner is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), but we occasionally work with foreign donors as well. We have over 600 staff based in our Washington, DC office and over 3000 staff in our project offices around the world.

Project Background

The Lebanon Community Support Program (CSP) is a multi-year project funded by USAID to support municipalities and underserved and vulnerable communities in providing better services and enhanced economic opportunities to improve lives and reduce tensions that contribute to conflict and violence, primarily in Lebanon’s North, South, and Beqaa regions. Under Task Order No. 3 (TO 3), the project will provide technical assistance to municipalities, civil society organizations (CSOs), the private sector, or other entities to increase capacity and ensure sustainable impact in providing key essential services. The main objective of this 5-year task order is to support Component 3 (Capacity Building) of the CSP Program by delivering technical assistance to enhance the sustainability of CSP interventions under Component 1 (Community Stabilization Support) and Component 2 (Community Development Support), and if required, under future Task Orders.

 1.  Summary of Position

The Experts will assist TO 3 team in the actual delivery of technical assistance to partner communities/organizations. The technical assistance could come in the form of standard trainings, on-the-job trainings, troubleshooting, and provision of technical assistance tools such as guidelines, TIP Sheets, policies, procedures and/or checklists for the improved functioning of targeted organizations.

2.  Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Asset Management to Civil Society Organizations
  • Design and Develop Asset Management training modules customized to the needs of Civil Society Organizations, Community Based Organizations (CBOs). The training should include the legal framework along with the practical information needed to properly manage the organizations’ assets.
  • Design and deliver asset management forms and templates necessary for the proper implementation of the asset management.
  • Design and deliver an asset register form. The latter should be accompanied with a detail guidance explaining how to fill each section of the form.
  • Conduct up to five (5) trainings to CSOs and CBOs. Trainings are conducted in the regions of Beqaa, North Lebanon, South Lebanon and Beirut.  
  • Assist the CSP in categorizing the assets provided by the program to local organizations.
  • Assist the CSP in developing and reviewing the assets register per local organization, pertaining particularly to the assets provided by the CSP program.
  1. Asset Management to Municipalities


  • Design and Develop Asset Management training modules customized to the Lebanese Municipalities’ needs. The training should include the legal framework along with the practical information needed to properly manage the municipalities’ assets.
  • Design and deliver asset management forms and templates necessary for the proper implementation of the asset management.
  • Design and deliver an asset register form. The latter should be accompanied with a detail guidance explaining how to fill each section of the form.
  • Conduct up to four (4) trainings to the Lebanese municipalities. Trainings are conducted in the regions of Beqaa, North Lebanon and South Lebanon. 
  • Assist the CSP in categorizing the assets provided by the program to the local municipalities.
  • Assist the CSP in developing and reviewing the assets register per local municipality, pertaining particularly to the assets provided by the CSP program.

 3.  Qualifications

  • 8+ years of experience working in the field of asset management
  • Experience in developing asset management policies and related templates
  • Experience in auditing/monitoring asset management processes
  • Knowhow in the legal aspect of assets management, particularly the laws applied to the Lebanese municipalities and organizations.
  • Proven experience in capacity building and technical assistance
  • Proven ability to work collaboratively across diverse sets of stakeholders
  • Experience working with local municipalities and Civil Society organizations
  • Fluency in spoken and written Arabic and English required

 4.  Eligibility Criteria

 Interested individual experts shall have the capacity to enter a short-term technical assistance (STTA) contract and shall have a satisfactory performance record and record of integrity and business ethics.

5.   Ineligible Experts:

  • Government employees.
  • Individual experts that appear on the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Programs.

6.  Location of the Assignment

The expert will be liaising with CSP TO 3 team at CSP offices in Sin-El-Fil and will be traveling to project field locations to design and deliver technical assistance.

 7.  Reporting

The experts will be reporting to TO 3 Municipal and CSO Capacity Building Managers.

 Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants that can legally work in Lebanon will be considered for employment based on their qualifications without discrimination.

How to apply

Interested applicants are kindly requested to submit their CVs to the email address: [email protected] with the position title as the subject.  Candidates are going to be shortlisted and interviewed on rolling basis and not until the deadline is over.

Monday, 07. Sep 2020
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Development, Infrastructure & Services Rehabilitation, Water sanitation and hygiene
Remuneration range:
2000 to 3000 (USD)
Duration of Contract: