Curriculum Development and training consultant in Construction Site Management

Role: Consultant to develop training material for competency-based vocational training modules in construction site management

Supervisor: Livelihood and Social Protection Technical Advisor

Timeframe of the assignment: One month duration

Location: Beirut, Lebanon



Lebanon is currently in an economic slowdown characterized by a labor market facing growing skills shortages and a young population lacking employment opportunities. High pressure is put on the formal Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system as well as on non-state actors not only to deliver more skills, but also different skills sets tied to the changing needs in the economy. Despite rapid expansion of TVET, the current system does not meet the personal aspirations of youth or the needs of local and regional labor markets.

There is a general consensus that training providers are predominantly supply-led and that vocational streams do not provide adequate practical skills for employability. Communication of the competencies and skills required in various economic sectors has remained weak, and TVET provision has remained delinked from the actual skill requirements of employers. In light of the evident mismatch between TVET supply and labor market demand, the private sector finds it difficult to recruit skilled young professionals, but at the same time is only prepared to play a minor role in their training, and many youth have been reluctant to pursue a vocational pathway.



To contribute to addressing these gaps, Save the Children (SC) is implementing a 2-year project with the German Federal Ministry of Economic and Development Cooperation (BMZ), which aims to ensure that targeted households’ economic resilience, including people with disabilities, is enhanced through increased sustainable household income.

Based on a thorough market assessment in Bekaa and training needs identified with employers, vocational training module for construction site management has been identified as priority for development and private sector engagement. Currently, there are no formal vocational training pathways for learning these skills, despite being within an industry of high demand for skilled labor force.

Ideally this module should fit within a technical baccalaureate (BT) educational pathway, in order to provide a modular approach should a trainee wish to complete a BT in the future, or can be a standalone certificate for specific skills acquisition. This approach is designed to support the ambitions of the formal TVET system and employers to make the training provision under this project more demand-oriented and responsive to labor market needs. The curriculum will therefore promote practical and practice-based approaches, while at the same time encourage the coordinated introduction of a strategic shift towards practice-orientation (work-based learning) in the mainstream TVET system.


Scope of the assignment

In coordination with the ProVTE model and the proposed new curriculum of a TVET program at BT level in the construction sector, the requested module should focus on a specific job. The preliminary scope of this module should include team management, site quality, reading and interpreting blueprints and other technical designs, and accounting and budget management.

The curriculum of a training module is composed by the following documents:

  • Qualification standard: A4 page defining the Competence Units and the learning outcomes for each competence unit
  • Assessment standard:     A definition of the conditions and the criteria for the assessment of the learning outcomes of each Competence Unit included in the qualification standard
  • Qualification certificate: The document that certify the holder has passed the assessment and has acquired the abilities stated in the qualification standard
  • Education standard:      The document describing the topics covered in each classroom lesson (if any) and the practical activities in the workshop and in the work place (on the job training) carried out by the trainee with the timing planned for each of them
  • Training standard:        The training standard is a guidance for the teacher and the trainer to deliver the lessons. The training standard is defining the topics covered in the lesson with some description for each topic and at the same time set the working procedure that are in line with best practise that should be implemented during the training program.

The consultancy assignment consists of revising the Occupational, Qualification and Assessment standards, the Education standards and develop the Training standards (the part related to the topics and activities) and whenever it is possible extra documentation (video included and specifications of materials) for the use of the teachers and trainers for the occupation of construction site manager.


Description of tasks

The activities to be undertaken will include, but not be limited to:

  • Critical examination of relevant project documentation
  • Structured meetings with Livelihood Technical Advisor, Project Manager, Project Team Members, staff of the TVET schools or National Vocational Training Center, and of other organisations involved in the project as considered necessary
  • Inform and consult regularly the Project Team Members
  • Revise the Occupational, Qualification and Assessment and Education standards of the 2 occupations in line with sector quality expectations, update or develop them as necessary, and get the endorsement of both private sector stakeholders and the Technical Advisor on the revised standards
  • Complete the Training Standards related to this occupation following the example provided by the Technical Advisor
  • Provide extra documentation (video, manuals, procedures, technical documentation, etc.) for the use of the teachers and trainers
  • Write final report and required administrative deliverables
  • Be accessible after the short-term mission through internet for follow-up discussions



The outputs / results requested by the expert consultant are:

  • Occupational, Qualification and Assessment and Education standards related to the 2 occupations updated
  • Training Standards (about 45 pages) related to the 2 occupations drafted in English and Arabic according to the template provided and following the example given
  • Extra documentation (video, manuals, procedures, technical documentation, etc.) for the use of the teachers and trainers
  • Final report according to project templates


Administrative deliverables:

  • Inception report and workplan which describe planned activities, research, workshops, deliverables, etc. to be completed during the consultancy
  • A comprehensive final report submitted to the Technical Advisor for revision and approval following the structure:
    • Scope and objectives of the mission
    • Approach adopted for conducting the mission
    • List of outputs produced during the mission (including meetings and stakeholders met)
    • Description of the outputs produced during the mission
    • Problems and challenges encountered during the mission
    • Recommendations for the follow-up of the mission
    • Recommendations for the improvement of project implementation
  • Documents produced during the implementation of the mission in the form of definitive version (drafts can be included if and only if relevant for the implementation of the mission or its follow-up).
  • All documents produced should be delivered in hard copy and in digital form using exclusively MS-Office applications


All deliverables will be validated by the Livelihood and Social Protection Technical Advisor and approved by the senior program team before considered complete. Coordination of all activities with the Technical Advisor is required.

The assignment will take place during a one month period, following the tentative schedule below.




Indicative timeframe


Alignment meeting and workplan for the consultancy period, including methodology for any data collection or research required and outline of tools to be developed

Within 3 days of signing the contract


Delivery of a comprehensive draft of the 2 modules

3 weeks after signing the contract


Presentation of the final modules in a multi-agency meeting for comments and discussion

4 weeks after signing the contract


Submission of all final reports and finalized deliverables of the 2 modules

5 weeks after signing the contract

Qualifications and skills

  • University degree at least at bachelor level on architecture or civil engineer or alternatively 4 additional years of working experience in the construction sector preferably as site manager, contractor supervisor, or equivalent (minimum requirement)
  • Fluency in Arabic language (minimum requirement)
  • Fluency in English language (minimum requirement)
  • Fluency in French language (preferred requirement)
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Proficient in use of Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook) or equivalent open source packages (minimum requirement)

General professional experience

  • At least 4 years of experience in the construction industry sector (minimum requirement).
  • At least 2 years of teaching experiences in a Vocational School or 200 hours of training delivery (preferred requirement)

Specific professional experience

  • Previous working experience as a site manager, contractor supervisor, or third party inspector (minimum requirement).
  • Previous experience in writing working procedures in the construction sector (preferred requirement).
  • Previous experience in drafting technical specifications for equipment and materials used in the construction sector (preferred requirement)

How to apply

Interested Consultants and consultancy firms are required to submit their technical & commercial proposals in a sealed envelope, addressed to Save the Children Int. Lebanon at the below address. The envelope should indicate the Procurement Request reference number, but have no other details relating to the bid. They should be labelled as such:

  • PR/Z/2020/078


Consultancy: Curriculum development  Consultant in Construction site Management


And submitted at our :

Admin Office, SCI, Lebanon Country Office, Beirut Main Office 1st Floor, Bloc B, Sodeco Building, Al Nasra Street, Ashrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon



In Zahle Office, Bekaa, Zahle, Stargate street, CET building 2nd Floor


The deadline of submission bids is on the 23/07/2020 COB.


If you have any questions, please contact us at 03-053749

Attention: Roger Sadaka

Thursday, 23. Jul 2020
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Labor & Livelihoods
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 month